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Scheduling & Registration


Scheduling is the process whereby the student attempts to arrange the time and locations for their fourth year experiences with the UI COM Registrar’s Office. The Scheduling process allows students to experience a wide variety of experiences in their fourth year, but does require that they meet our standards for experiences that will enable them to receive a Doctorate in Medicine.

Students must schedule all clinical experiences, including externships, through the UI COM Registrar’s Office. This allows the College of Medicine to send out evaluations, and ensures grades are recorded in the Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE) and on your transcript.


Registration is the process by which students are officially enrolled at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). Click here to access the UIC Web for Student. Specific registration information can be found on the UI COM Office of the Registrar web page.

Obtaining Graduation Credit for Year 4 Experiences Heading link

  • Scheduling forms or email request must be submitted, to COM Registrar’s Office via the Student Scheduling Request Form 4 weeks prior to the start of the clinical experience.
  • Student Evaluation forms must be on file in order for the student to receive credit for any fourth year experience.
  • The evaluation form travels directly from the COM Registrar’s Office to the Program Director and/or evaluator and then to the COM Registrar’s Office. The student may not hand carry this paperwork.
  • Clinical departments submit completed evaluation forms to the COM Registrar’s office, which in records the grade in the College database. These evaluations become part of the student’s academic record.
  • No credit is awarded for an experience until an evaluation is received by the College Registrar.
  • A PDF copy of the evaluation form is emailed to the student via a University secured email service.

Scheduling Responsibility Heading link

Students entering their fourth year are expected to be timely in scheduling their year. Students should be aware that scheduling rotations means making a commitment to the physicians who are the Course Coordinators. Failure to honor their commitment is reported to the College of Medicine’s Senior Associate Dean for Student Affairs.

If a change is made in your elective schedule, contact the Program Director as soon as possible. Rotation slots are limited and Program Directors need to ensure that clinical experiences are available to as many students as possible. There are often waiting lists to fill openings. Students who want to cancel or change the dates of an experience must email from the Program Director to secure a release in advance of the start date of the experience. This will officially release the student from his/her part of the agreement.

Students who want to drop or change the dates of a scheduled elective must obtain approval from the department. The approval from the Elective Coordinator/Director must be secured before the start date of the elective. Once approved, students submit a Scheduling Request to have their schedule updated. This will officially release the student from the elective. (The approval must be included as an attachment to the request.)

Required Experiences Heading link

Scheduling for required experiences and the Sub-Internship is done by the UI COM Registrar’s Office. Scheduling required courses will be done in the Spring of your third year. To make a change to your schedule, you must submit a Student Scheduling Request.

Elective Experiences Heading link

Elective experiences at the UIC College of Medicine include the following five categories:

  1. Approved Electives
  2. Electives at LCME Accredited medical schools (Externships)
  3. Electives at non-LCME accredited medical schools, including International Externships or foreign electives
  4. Self-designed Electives
  5. Research Electives.

Fourth year students may receive credit for elective experiences at medical schools outside the UI COM system, if they both schedule and register for them. Students are directly responsible for contacting the Program Directors of their elective experiences to receive the prior approval necessary for all experiences.

Procedures for Scheduling Elective Experiences Heading link

  • Scheduling electives requires the prior approval of the Program Director or Coordinator of the Elective.
  • Students should use the Self-Designed and Away-Domestic Scheduling Form to schedule Electives outside the UI COM system.
  • These externships require additional authorizing signatures, attachments, and time for processing.
  • Information from the Scheduling Form will be entered into the COM database.
  • This allows a Student Evaluation Form to be sent to the Program Director. The evaluation form is used by the Program Director to report your performance and grade to the College of Medicine.

Procedure for Scheduling Approved Electives Heading link

Following these guidelines will ensure that the changes made to your schedule are made promptly and correctly.

Contact the Elective Director or Coordinator to determine if there is space available in the desired time slot. The Elective Director or Coordinator’s names, phone number and email address can be found under the listing for each approved elective.

Once the Elective Coordinator or Director has approved you to add their elective, please submit a Student Scheduling Request to have the elective added to your schedule. (Please note that research and self-designed electives will require additional supporting documentation.)

Approved electives are those experiences that have been approved by the College of Medicine at the University of Illinois at Chicago and appear in the on-line elective catalog.