Facilities/Room Reservations

Information for student room reservations
Intro Heading link
Facilities are managed by the Facility and Space Planning team. Below you will find information on:
- Rooms available for Reservation
- Student Study Room Usage Agreements (General Usage and Food & Drink Policy)
- Room Reservation Procedures
- COM Priority for Room usage
- Locker Registration
Student Room Reservations (not applicable for Faculty/Staff) Heading link
In addition to the rooms listed below, students also have access to the first floor Faculty, Student and Alumni Lounge for study when not in use for university functions.
To use a COM Learning Center Room for personal use, students must reserve a room following the procedure described below.
Students must use their i-card to gain access outside of regular business hours.
Many rooms in the College of Medicine (COM) are available for student reservation. Students are allowed to reserve most of the rooms listed below provided they are not in use for other purposes. Read the Student Room Use Agreement and the Food and Drink Policy (see below) regarding COM room use, hours of availability, etc. By making a room reservation you are agreeing to abide by the terms in the Student Study Room Agreement. Click here for Room Reservation Procedures. Students will have access to these rooms via i-card as appropriate.
Most rooms listed are served by UIC Wireless. Other floors and locations throughout the College may have Wifi coverage on a room-by-room basis.
You can view current room availability – at the top right on the linked page Choose Calendar: “COM Chicago Schedule” – note that requests are attended to in order of submission and this does not show if a room has already been requested but not yet scheduled. On that page you can click Week and then click the room you wish to view – its reservations for the week will be highlighted.
College of Medicine West Tower Small rooms (CMWT)
Each of the following rooms are small classrooms that seat approximately 12 people. These rooms provide a white board, sink, projector/screen or large TV (click here for current details).
- 219 – 222 – 228
- 311 – 312 – 313 – 314 – 318
- 421 – 423 – 424 – 426 – 428 – 430
College of Medicine West Tower (CMWT) Large rooms
Each of the following rooms are large classrooms with significant AV capabilities. They are is reserved for large group courses and plenaries. Echo recording is available in these rooms.
- Auditorium 106 CMW is a traditional auditorium seating 174. This room can support browser based web conferencing.
- CMWT 227 Irwin Auditorium is a traditional auditorium seating 226.
College of Medicine Research Building (COMRB)
Each of the following rooms are classrooms that seat approximately 20 people. These rooms provide a white board, projector/screen or large TV (click here for current details).
- COMRB X-175 Conference Rooms: 3175, 4175, 5175, 6175, 7175, 8175
Each of the following rooms are classrooms that seat approximately 5-8 people. These rooms provide a white board, projector/screen or large TV (click here for current details).
- COMRB X-075 Conference Rooms: 3075, 4075, 5075, 6075, 7075, 8075
CMWT walk-in Study Rooms (No reservations needed)
Students may use these study rooms on a first come, first served basis.
- Room B3 (Annex) is in the basement near Edelstone lounge, and is a large, open, group quiet study room. It is occasionally used for classes, at which time there will be a sign indicating it is in use.
- Room 220 is a large, open, group quiet study room. It is occasionally used for classes, at which time there will be a sign indicating it is in use.
- Room 420 is a large, open, active group lounge. There are fridges, a microwave and a small kitchen, as well as an LCD TV.
The following are small, private rooms with glass walls, task lighting, and seating for 1-4 people.
- 310a – 310b – 310c – 310d – 310e – 310f – 310g – 310h – 310j – 310k
Health Science Library
Available on a first-come, first-served basis or reserve at the library service desk:
Reservable spaces that can be viewed on the library website.
- B5 – B6 – B7 – B8 (basement rooms with a computer)
- 108 – 109 – 110 – 111 (first floor with table/whiteboard)
Open study rooms that are not reservable/not locked
- B2E- B2F – B2G – B2H (basement rooms with tables for larger groups)
- 205 – 206 – 207 (second floor rooms with table only for 1-2 people)
Student Study Room Usage Agreements Heading link
Students will forfeit their right to use of these spaces for study or other learning purposes if this agreement is found in any violation. By making a room reservation you are agreeing to abide by the terms in this Student Study Room Agreement. UIC Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs “Facility Use Policy” also applies.
Room Access & General Use
Access to the Learning Center rooms is via swipe card. Every swipe entrance is recorded, so each student sharing a room for study should swipe their own access card upon entrance in order to share responsibility for room maintenance. Rooms can be reserved through the Astra portal: for 5 hour increments. Reservations for exams, student organizations, and PEP Tutoring can be made by following the instructions found at the links on the Room Reservation Procedures page or, when necessary, in the Office of Curricular Affairs (room 115 CMWT).
- Student use of vacant Learning Center rooms via card swipe access is prohibited without prior reservation. If another student has occupied a room that was previously reserved through the appropriate procedures, that student will be asked to leave. Contact the Office of Curricular Affairs at (312) 996-9030 if further assistance is required.
- Students who reserve a room are expected to occupy the room during the allotted hours. If the student anticipates being late or not needing the room, please inform the Office of Student Affairs immediately at (312) 996-7140 during regular business hours or by email to COM-OSAchicago@uic.edu . If a student decides to vacate a reserved room earlier than their arranged end-time, please inform the Office of Curricular Affairs so that another student may use the room.
- Reservations begin at the scheduled time, and not before. Please do not interrupt activities in a room prior to your scheduled time period.
- If an emergent administrative need arises that requires the use of a student-occupied room, students should leave the room in a timely manner.
Room Maintenance
- Use of the Learning Center rooms requires an understanding that users will return the room to an orderly condition. Tables must not be moved from their original position, and chairs should not leave the room. Tables should be wiped clean and all trash should be properly disposed of in appropriate receptacles found in the hallways. Users should email the COM Facilities office at COMEvents@uic.edu about any rooms that are found in a disorderly state.
Note: Changing the configuration of a room is not allowed. Information about room technology, including event organization questions and scheduling a tech training walk-through, is available from the Instructional Media/AV team. In-person support and Echo recordings must be requested with two weeks’ notice. See the Instructional Media/AV team service information linked here. - Users should not store personal belongings in the classrooms. Items found in drawers will be disposed of on a regular basis.
- Users should shut down all equipment upon exit.
- Food is allowed in the Learning Center small group rooms (other than 316 CMWT) on a case-by-case basis with prior approval from the Office of Student Affairs. Food trash must be completely removed from rooms and placed in a public trash receptacle, and tables should be wiped cleaned. When necessary, arrangements should be made in advance with facilities management for trash removal. Student organizations must contact the Office of Curricular Affairs for trash removal. For assistance in ordering additional tables, please contact the Office of Student Affairs. Please read the Food & Drink Policy below.
- Be respectful of cleaning staff. Let them do their job if they arrive at the room you are using. They work on a schedule so please do not ask them to return at a time that is convenient for you.
- Care must be taken to avoid damage or abuse to furniture and equipment. Any damage that occurs must be reported at the first opportunity to COM Facilities by emailing COMEvents@uic.edu. Any damage done to the room beyond “damage of common use” at the time of occupation is the responsibility of the user.
- Users should not remove or misuse any property in a College of Medicine building. Tampering with University property falls under “Misuse or Unauthorized Use of University Facilities, Property and Grounds” and is subject to disciplinary action as a violation of a UIC Standard of Conduct. If a medical student is found in violation of a standard of conduct, at minimum this must be reported as an adverse institutional action in the Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE) which is used for residency applications.
Safety & Security
- Rooms will automatically lock upon departure. Do not prop doors open after 7:00pm. Pay proper attention that the door is securely closed behind you, and be extra vigilant after hours. No personal belongings should be left in the room during times when the student is not present. See Room Reservations Procedures for room availability.
- For building security and student safety, students are required to carry their I-card with them when on-campus. Campus security may ask students to show their I-card, especially after hours. Report any observed or suspicious misbehavior in the College of Medicine by calling Campus Police – Emergency: (312) 355-5555, Non-Emergency: (312) 996-2830.
Food & Drink Policy in Learning Center
The COM Learning Center is a technologically advanced educational hub designed to teach medical students in a modern environment. Faculty, students, and staff must all act as stewards of the COM Learning Center to preserve the furnishings and equipment for future generations.
Tables and electrical floor boxes in the classrooms are energized with power outlets and A/V connections. To protect the equipment and prevent any safety issues, spill-proof containers must be used when bringing beverages into all educational areas including the auditoria (106 CMW and Irwin Auditorium), the 2 large active learning rooms (429/527 CMWT), the 3rd floor private study rooms, and the 18 small group classrooms.
The allowance of food in Learning Center classrooms is a decision to be made by the Curricular Affairs office on a case by case basis. When food is permitted, the room must be cleaned with all garbage removed, and left in working condition by the students, faculty, or staff overseeing the event.
Food and drink in the Learning Center educational areas is a privilege. The COM Dean’s Office reserves the right to revoke the privilege if the presence of food and beverages becomes a detriment to the COM Learning Center’s primary function as a teaching facility.
Room Reservation Procedures Heading link
In order to provide students with expedient access to view study space availability and submit requests independently, all UI COM classroom study space reservations in Chicago are now automated using the Astra reservation system. Below you will find instructions to request room reservations and exceptions to this process. All faculty, staff, and students must adhere to the UI COM Food and Drink Policy when using COM rooms.
The following requests are exceptions to the automated process. These exceptions can be submitted several weeks in advance and must be reserved through the Office of Curricular Affairs listserv at COM-OCA@uic.edu using the processes found below.
- Room Reservations for Exams
- Peer Education Program (PEP) Tutor Room Reservation Procedures
- Student Organization Room Reservation Procedures
- Additional Student Study Options
Key Points to Consider in Advance
- Refer to the COM Student Study Scheduling Grid before reserving a room. You will need to indicate the room # in the reservation request. Scheduling grids will also be displayed on the display screens in the 1st floor lobby.
- Rooms not included on the automated reservation system: 221 CMWT, 224 CMWT, 226 CMWT, 316 CMWT
- Reservation requests will be answered in the order they are received based on time stamp.
- Student study room reservations may be submitted no more than 24 hours in advance.
- Weekend reservations (Sat., Sun., and holidays) should be submitted before 3:00 PM on the preceding Friday. Weekend reservations should be indicated as such in the comments box.
- Maximum reservation time is 5 hours. If a student would like to use it for longer than 5 hours, they may look in the Astra reservation system to see if the room is reserved after their initial reservation ends. They may then submit a second request.
- Students must show up for the reservations they make, or must cancel before the start time. All reservations must be finalized by swiping your iCards to confirm the reservation. Failure to do so will result in the loss of room reservation privileges.
- Furniture must not be moved. White boards must be wiped down and any garbage must be removed using trash/recycling receptacles in the hall before the leaving. Failure to comply with any of these responsibilities will result in loss of room reservation privileges.
- Any current social distancing measures must be maintained including wearing masks if more than one person is in the room.
- Please note that the COM reserves the right to terminate the reservation if the room is needed for curricular/testing purposes.
How to Submit Your Room Reservation Requests
1) Refer to the COM Student Study Scheduling Grid before reserving a room. You will need to indicate the room # in the reservation request. Scheduling grids will also be displayed on the display screens in the 1st floor lobby.
2) Go to the Astra portal. Note: You do not need to login to Astra in order to make a reservation. The login is only for staff.
3) Click “Events” (at top) > Select “Request Event”
4) Use the drop down and select “COM Chicago Student Study Form” > Click “Next”
5) Complete and submit the form (Only “STUDENT STUDY” should be included for the title of the event). Note: Use UIC Email address and for “Event Type” select “COM Student”
6) Click “Add Meeting”, select “Single”, and complete form (“Required Room” is pre-selected)
7) Click “Request Rooms” to check availability and select room
8) Click “Submit” and you will be notified that your request has been received but the reservation is not final until you receive notification that your “Requested event has been approved”
Please note: If the requests is last minute, once submitted you can proceed to the room however, the submittal is not final until confirmed. If there happens to be a recent conflict you will be reassigned per availability.
Also, if you need to cancel your reservation, or you don’t need your reservation for the entire reserved time, please contact comevents@uic.edu.
We encourage students to share any feedback about this new system via comevents@uic.edu.
Additional Policies:
Please consult the Student Room Use Agreement and room capacity and AV capability on the Conference & Study Rooms on this page prior to making a reservation. All room reservations are subject to change by the Office of Curricular Affairs. See College of Medicine Priorities of Room Use.
Study rooms are intended for use by College of Medicine students only. Campus Police will be contacted to report the presence of non-medical students occupying these rooms. Disciplinary action will be taken, with the possibility of arrest. College of Medicine students should report unauthorized use of rooms, or suspicious behavior of any kind to Campus Police at 312-996-2830.
Non-Automated Requests Heading link
The following requests are exceptions to the automated process. These exceptions can be submitted several weeks in advance and must be reserved depending on which need through the Office of Curricular Affairs listserv at COM-OCA@uic.edu OR the Office of Student Affairs at com-osachicago@uic.edu using the processes below:
Room Reservations for Exams
Students are allowed to reserve rooms up to two weeks in advance for an exam. Email the Office of Curricular Affairs listserv at COM-OCA@uic.edu and include the following information:
- Name of Exam (i.e. Block Exam; Clerkship Exam; NBME Exam, etc.) must be typed in the subject line
- First & Last Name
- Cell Phone Number
- Requested Date
- Beginning and End Time (Please add ½ hour for set up time)
Email requests with incomplete information will be returned to the sender.
If you wish to reserve a room for a practice exam please use the automated Room Reservation Procedures (listed above). If the request is for a USMLE Step 1 or Step 2 CK Self-Assessment, please include “Step Exam Self-Assessment Reservation” in the subject line of the automated reservation request.
There will be a very limited number of rooms available for same day reservations beginning at 8:00am in the Office of Curricular Affairs. Same day reservations can be made by emailing COM-OCA@uic.edu or in person in the OCA office, room 115 CMWT. If plans change and you decide to take your exam at home, please notify the Office of Curricular Affairs by emailing COM-OCA@uic.edu or call (312) 996-9030 as soon as possible so we can cancel your reservation.
The exam will be remotely proctored regardless of your physical location and there will be no on-site support. Each room will be provided a sign “Do Not Enter – Testing in Progress” with room; date; start/end time to prevent any interruptions during the exam. Please remove this sign after you finish your exam. Whiteboards must be clean before the start of your exam.
Use of the Learning Center rooms requires an understanding that users will return the room to an orderly condition. Tables must not be moved from their original position, and chairs should not leave the room. Tables and white boards should be wiped clean and all trash should be properly disposed of in the receptacles located outside of the room. Users should notify the Office of Curricular Affairs about rooms that are found in a disorderly state.
Peer Education Program (PEP) Tutor Room Reservations
PEP Tutors are allowed to reserve rooms up to two weeks in advance in order to schedule tutoring sessions around other educational activities.
Email the Office of Curricular Affairs listserv at COM-OCA@uic.edu and include the following information:
- PEP TUTORING must be typed in the subject line
- PEP Tutor First & Last Name
- PEP Tutor Cell Phone Number
- Requested Date(s)
- Requested Beginning and End Time
- Alternate Date(s)
- Alternate Beginning and End Time
- Number of participants
Email requests with incomplete information will be returned to the sender.
Same day reservations can be made using the automated system described in the Room Reservations Procedures above. Students who reserve a room are expected to occupy the room during the allotted hours. If plans change, please notify the Office of Curricular Affairs by emailing COM-OCA@uic.edu or call (312) 996-9030 as soon as possible.
Use of the Learning Center rooms requires an understanding that users will return the room to an orderly condition. Tables must not be moved from their original position, and chairs should not leave the room. Tables and white boards should be wiped clean and all trash should be properly disposed of in the receptacles located outside of the room. Users should notify the Office of Curricular Affairs about rooms that are found in a disorderly state.
Note: Changing the configuration of a room is not allowed. Information about room technology, including event organization questions and scheduling a tech training walk-through, is available from the Instructional Media/AV team. In-person support and Echo recordings must be requested with two weeks’ notice. See the Instructional Media/AV team service information linked here.
Student Organization Room Reservation Procedures
Student organizations are allowed to reserve rooms up to three months in advance in order to plan ahead for special speakers, regularly scheduled meetings, etc. Please submit a room reservation request.
If College of Medicine Informational Resources (COM IR)/IT support is needed for the event, COMIR must be notified at least two weeks in advance. Please submit a ticket with your request. COMIR staff will follow up to schedule a time during business hours to provide instruction.
If special room set-up or materials are needed, please contact COM-Events@uic.edu at least two weeks in advance
For certain events, extra garbage cans may be needed as well as extra housekeeping, electricity (for outside events), etc. Please include this information in your initial request at least 2 weeks in advance of your event.
If any additional concerns arise regarding your student organization or if you have questions about a student event not related to room availability, IT support, or room set up, please contact OSA at com-osachicago@uic.edu .
Students who reserve a room are expected to occupy the room during the allotted hours. If plans change, please notify the Office of Curricular Affairs at COM-OSAchicago@uic.edu or (312) 996-7140 as soon as possible.
Use of the Learning Center rooms requires an understanding that users will return the room to an orderly condition. Tables must not be moved from their original position, and chairs should not leave the room. Tables should be wiped clean and all trash should be disposed of in the receptacles located outside of the room. Users should notify the Office of Curricular Affairs of rooms that are found in a disorderly state. Failure to follow these requirements may result in the loss of privileges for the student organization.
Note: Changing the configuration of a room requires prior approval from the Office of Curricular Affairs.
Additional Student Study Options
The UIC Library of Health Sciences has open study rooms for drop-in study, and group study space that can be reserved on-line in advance for a maximum of two hours.
Additional study options that do not require reservations include the 2nd floor Quiet Study Room (220 CMWT), the 3rd floor Private Study rooms (310A-K CMWT), Edelstone Lounge, and the 4th floor Student Lounge/Kitchenette (420 CMWT). However, there will be occasions when the Quiet Study Room (220 CMWT) will be utilized for COM classes or special events.
The 3rd floor Private Study rooms are available on a first come, first served basis. We ask that students be courteous to others by not leaving their belongings as a way of holding a room when they leave for an extended period of time.
A/V Information for Lecture Halls Heading link
The following information applies to College of Medicine faculty in the large lecture halls in the College of Medicine West (106, 227 and 429/527CMWT). Student support is limited to OSA Sponsored events in the lecture halls and must be pre-arranged by submitting a ticket.
A/V Information
If you need training ahead of time to use the room AV equipment, please create a technology training request with COMIR and they will arrange a time to work with you before the day of your event. The AV system is relatively easy to use, and probably has everything you need for your event. You may wish to do a test run in the room if you have never used it before.
The AV system is controlled from a touch pad on the podium, and the cable that connects your laptop to the system is attached to the podium. There are permanently installed Windows and Macintosh computers already in the room which you can use. These can easily play DVDs as well, and there is an “overhead” digital camera – Elmo. There also are two wireless microphones (you can only use one of these at a time as they use the same frequency) and a microphone that is attached to the podium.
You can use your own laptop if you prefer. If your laptop does not have a standard HDMI or VGA output connection you will need an adapter (also called a Dongle). While we have some adapters in the podium drawer, there are many many varieties out there so we can not possibly supply every one that exists, and ours often go missing. Plan ahead.
If you are being recorded as part of your course, be aware that you must use the microphone, that student responses are not loud enough to be captured by the microphones, and that the laser pointer is not recorded. Students prefer that you use the mouse pointer for emphasis. The wireless slide advancers have a mouse pointer/ joystick sticking out of them you can use for this purpose if you need to walk away from the podium.
Please note that if you reserve the room at 11:30 am for example, you cannot expect the room to be available before 11:30 am, and will need to vacate the room promptly at the end of your reserved time so the next group may begin.
We also ask when you leave that you please shut down the AV system to save energy and projector life. From the touch pad on the podium choose to “shut the system off” and then answer “Yes” when prompted.
Room 106 is usually open at approximately 8am and locked at approximately 5:00pm. If you need to get into the room earlier, or plan to stay later, you must sign a key out in the Curricular Affairs (UGME) Office in Room 115CMWT. Call them at 6-9030 to find a time when you can pick a key up and they will instruct you on how to turn off the alarm if necessary. You MUST lock the room by key, and turn the alarm on when you leave. The other large rooms use keycard swipe access and are locked at all times.
Priority for COM Room Usage Heading link
The College of Medicine prioritizes the room usage per below:
- Regular classes conducted by COM
- Functions of the Office of the Dean, including committee and staff meetings
- Functions of other departments in the College
- Meetings of student organizations
- PEP tutoring scheduling
- Student study space
- Functions of other colleges of the University
- Outside use
Locker Registration Heading link
- Lockers in the west end of the Edelstone Lounge are provided for the exclusive use of COM students in the pre-clinical curriculum (M1 and M2 years.)
- Students may register and use one locker at a time. (Student Organizations have locked storage elsewhere.)
- Locks are periodically removed from unregistered lockers, so please be sure to register your locker immediately after you’ve locked it up:
Your padlock makes a locker “yours”; Registration protects it from being reclaimed by Student Affairs.