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Vitoux News and Events

Distinguished Lecturer Series Heading link

Distinguished Lecturer Series

Each year, in the most highly anticipated event of the Vitoux Program Annual Retreat, a renowned expert in the field of aging and prevention will be invited to present their most eminent work.

Inaugural Vitoux Distinguished Lecture
October 19, 2021
Distinguished Speaker: Dr. James Sallis, PhD

Annual Retreat Heading link

Annual Retreat

The Vitoux Program hosts an annual retreat in the fall that is open campus wide to those conducting aging and prevention research. The goals of the annual retreat are to share ongoing research around aging and prevention, to network and bring together scholars with similar research interests, to generate novel ideas for future work, and to recognize scholars for their important work accomplished over the past year. A highlight of the retreat will be the distinguished researcher lecture where a renowned expert will be invited each year to present their outstanding work and contributions to the field.

Spring and Fall Newsletter Publication Heading link

Vitoux News & Events Heading link

Apr 8 2025
Scholarly Activities Day

Scholarly Activities Day

Tuesday, 1:00 pm–3:00 pm