“CDIS faculty, Julie Bobitt, PhD and Dennis Watson, PhD and colleagues recently published an article in the Academic Emergency Medicine (AEM) Education and Training Journal on “Incorporating implementation science principles into curricular design.”
“Julie Bobitt, PhD, UIUC, and UI Extension colleagues published an article in the Activities, Adaptation & Aging journal on the Wits Wellness program, a 12-week evidence-informed workshop series, designed by UI Extension specialists Molly...
The goal of the CDIS Summer Internship Program is to introduce or strengthen research skills, professional development skills, and knowledge of implementation science of undergraduates or those who have recently graduated.
Geri Donenberg, PhD, and Carolyn Bolton-Moore, MD, (MPIs) recently received one of eight newly funded Clinical Research Center awards as part of the Prevention and Treatment through a Comprehensive Care Continuum for HIV-affected Adolescents…
Floreciendo (“Blooming”), funded by NICHD (R00HD105490), is a sexual and reproductive health workshop for Latina teens (ages 14-18 years) and their female caregivers (e.g., mothers, aunts). Floreciendo was adapted from the IMARA evidence-based sexual…
The Center for Dissemination and Implementation Science (CDIS) is offering a course on Dissemination and Implementation Science (IPHS 440) this spring on Thursdays at 1:00pm – 4:30pm online via synchronous instruction. To register, use…
Sybil Hosek, PhD, and colleagues recently published an article in the Journal of International AIDS Society on the results of MTN-034, “Reversing the Epidemic in Africa with Choices in HIV Prevention” (REACH) trial.…
The Center for Dissemination and Implementation Science (CDIS) is offering a course on Dissemination and Implementation Science (IPHS 440) this spring on Thursdays at 1:00pm – 4:30pm online via synchronous instruction. To register, use…
When to Start Caring About Implementability? Pretty Much Now Thursday, October 19, 2023 11:00am-12:30pm 909 S. Wolcott Ave, COMRB Room 2175, If you cannot attend in person, a zoom link is available. Register…
Kate Merrill, PhD, and colleagues published a paper in PLOS Global Public Health, “The association between violence victimization and subsequent unplanned pregnancy among adolescent girls in Uganda: Do primary schools make a difference?”…
Drs. Julie Bobitt and Shannon Jarrott guest edited a special issue of The Gerontologist focused on Implementation Science (IS) in aging research. This issue offers a collection of articles addressing the application of IS to plan,…
CDIS Faculty Affiliates, Drs. Natasha Crooks and Randi Singer, and CDIS Director, Dr. Geri Donenberg published an article in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior on “The Role of the Strong Black Woman in…
Kate Merrill, PhD and colleagues published preliminary outcomes from the IMARA South Africa pilot. The authors examined the preliminary effectiveness and implementation outcomes of Informed, Motivated, Aware, and Responsible Adolescents and Adults—South Africa…
Alyssa Debra, UIC MD/PhD student, presented at the Xavier University of Louisiana’s 16th Health Disparities Conference in February, 2023. She presented on her work on a diversity supplement to the IMARA South Africa project. Her…
Bridging the Gap: Communicating Research to Accelerate Policy Impact Wednesday, April 5, 2023 11:00am-12:30pm 909 S Wolcott Ave, COMRB Room 2175, Zoom Link Available Register in advance:https://go.uic.edu/CDIS_Colloquium_April2023 Carolyn Kiman, MSPH Senior Strategic Communications…
Julie Bobitt, PhD and colleagues explored the use of cannabis among older Veterans. Their results showed older Veterans are using medical cannabis as a means of harm reduction as an adjunct or substitute…
Ashley Kendall, PhD recently published an article, “Introducing a real-time method for identifying the predictors of non-compliance with event-based reporting of tobacco use in ecological momentary assessment” in Annals of Behavioral Medicine. This study…