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Pulmonary, Critical Care, Sleep and Allergy Division News

Internal Medicine Teaching Awards

We wish to congratulate our faculty that received awards at the 2024 Internal Medicine Graduation! Pilz Attendings of the Year: Ashley Binder Dustin Fraidenburg Recognized for Teaching excellence: Ashley Binder Tirsa Marien Ferrer…

Department of Medicine Scholarly Activities Day

The Department of Medicine Scholarly Activities Day was held on March 7, 2024. The theme for the day was AI in Medicine. The entire day was well received, with over 150 attendees. Five…

Operation Vaccine Team: From left, Mary Kate Titus, administrative fellow; Paul Gorski, senior director of Clinical Services; Dr. Janet Lin, physician and professor of Emergency Medicine; Kim Bertini, director of Nursing Excellence; and Dr. Susan Bleasdale, Chief Quality Officer.

7 UI Health Leaders Receive Presidential Medallion

University of Illinois President Tim Killeen on Aug. 23 honored seven UI Health leaders with the Presidential Medallion, as part of the system’s COVID-19 response. Killeen honored leaders of clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccines…