Urogynecology- UIH
Updated: 9/22/23
Intro Heading link
M4 Students who have completed the M3 Core Clerkship in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
PURPOSE: This elective is intended for the student who would like to add to the basic knowledge gained form the core OBGYN clerkship. The urogynecology elective allows students more in-depth training in the medical and surgical management of pelvic organ prolapse, urinary incontinence syndromes, and other pelvic floor and bladder dysfunction.
This elective will help M4s interested in pursuing women’s health understand diagnosis and management of pelvic floor disorders. It will allow them to get exposure to various concerns that affect many women, which is particularly helpful as a general OB/Gyn being often the first line in addressing, managing, and triaging these patient concerns. They will develop comprehensive exposure to the medical and surgical management of these pelvic floor disorders.
- Learn how to evaluate and pelvic organ prolapse
- Learn the workup and management options for urinary incontinence
- Learn the various treatment options for pelvic organ prolapse, including surgical and medical options
- Understand and perform a complete history and physical exam pertinent to urogynecology
- Understand the basic techniques for placement and replacement of pessaries
- Know methods for and possible complications of management of pelvic organ prolapse, including surgical management and intraoperative and postoperative complications
- Know methods for and possible complications of management of chronic pelvic pain
- Understand the principles and performance of urodynamic studies
- Maintain professionalism and compassionate attitude toward patients and staff
- Students will participate in four full-day outpatient sessions, including three days of procedure clinic, an inpatient OR day, and didactic sessions both formally and informally throughout the rotation
- Students are expected to round on any urogynecology inpatients and obtain history and basic physical examination for inpatient consults
- Each student will attend the weekly departmental didactics if the OR cases are complete
- Students will also participate in two weekly perioperative case conferences
- Each student will meet with the course director and will receive a written copy of the expected goals of the clerkship at the start of the rotation
- Each student will give a presentation at the end of the rotation on topic of their choosing related to urogyencology
Administrative Information Heading link
Program Number
ELEC 503
Program Contacts
Program Director: Lopa Pandya
Email: lpandy2@uic.eduCoordinator: Shrushti Sawant
Email: ssawan9@uic.edu -
Program Information
Location: UI Health
Duration: 4 weeks
Night Call: No
Weekends: No
Students Accepted: Min. 1 Max. 1
Housestaff Used as Faculty: Yes
Lectures/Conferences/Faculty hours per week: 4/6/20
Laboratory hours per week: 0
Independent Study hours per week: 0
Outpatient hours per week: 34
Inpatient hours per week: 10
Total Hours /Week: 44