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Critical Care Medicine – UI Health/JBVA

Updated:  01/02/25

Successful completion of all M3 Core Clerkships.

This elective is designed to introduce the student to the care and treatment of critically ill medical and surgical patients. The student is an integral part of the team that includes an Attending Physician, a pulmonary/critical care medicine Fellow, two residents and two interns. The Medical Intensive Care Units at the University Hospital and the MICU/CCU at the Jesse Brown VA Hospital provide a broad mixture of critically ill patients. Major disease entities that are routinely treated include multiple organ failure, acute and chronic respiratory failure, sepsis, GI bleeding, diabetic ketoacidosis, and drug overdose.

The experience in the Intensive Care Unit will enhance your medical knowledge and experience caring for critically ill patients. Emphasis is on common problems, such as sepsis and organ failure, understanding physiology, use of invasive monitoring, ventilator management, fluid and electrolyte management, and end of life care.

Teaching is conducted during attending rounds that are held twice daily, work rounds of the team before and after attending rounds, and formal didactic sessions. There are four weekly conferences dealing with multiple aspects of pulmonary and critical care medicine including surgical and oncologic problems. Students will be responsible for 1-2 patients at a given time during the rotation.

In view of the four-week student rotation modules of the College, and the Block rotation schedules of the Attending Physicians and Fellows in the Medical/Surgical ICU, students in general work with two different sets of Attending Physicians and Fellows during their Critical Care Medicine rotations. Each Fellow and Attending Physician will complete an evaluation form and discusses the evaluation with the student. The Program Director of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine prepares the composite evaluation to be sent to the Dean’s Office based on these four evaluations once they are received.


Administrative Information Heading link

  • Program Number

    ELEC 611

  • Program Contacts

    Program Director: Sunit Singla, MD

    Coordinator: Sue Hammerschmidt

    To schedule this elective, please contact Angie Fanuke at

  • Program Information

    Location: UI Health/JBVA
    Duration: 4 Weeks
    Night Call: No
    Weekends: Yes
    Students Accepted: Min. 1 Max. 3 (2 at UIC, 1 at JBVA)
    Housestaff Used as Faculty: Yes
    Lectures/Conferences/Faculty Contact: 20
    Laboratory/Independent Study: 0
    Outpatient: 0
    Inpatient: 20
    Total Hours /Week: 40