Advanced Emergency Medicine
Updated: 03/10/25
Prerequisites and Placement in Curriculum Heading link
This elective is designed for senior medical students applying to EM residencies. The student must have successfully completed core rotations in Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Pediatrics, OB-Gyn, and Psychiatry. Cancellations for the first 3 blocks must be made at least 8 weeks before the rotation.
To provide in depth EM knowledge to students interested in the specialty as a career path. Students will be expected to manage their own patients within the limits of the ED setting with oversight by EM attendings and senior residents.
- Perform accurate, rapid clinical assessments with attention to life and limb threats
- Obtain a focused history and physicals and generate a weighted differential to guide evaluation and management
- Develop appropriate, efficient, and cost-effective diagnostic/therapeutic plans based on the differential
- Perform emergency procedures such as suturing, I&D’s, resuscitation, US and orthopedic reductions
- Communicate effectively and build rapport with patients, families, ED staff and consultants
- Understand some of the social and medical legal issues that impact emergency care
Instructional Features:
Students will work in the ED under the direct supervision of attendings and EM residents. Learning activities include lectures, case review, conferences, ward-round, outpatient evaluation, literature reviews and group work.
Clinical performance, conference participation, and presentations compose 75% of the grade. A final exam (in-house, not NBME) will compose 25%. A composite “SLOE” may be requested from the site director.
Section 2 Heading link
Program Number
ELEC 362
Program Contacts
Program Director: Lisa Gehm, MD
Email: lgehm@gmail.uic.eduCoordinator: Jennifer Ytem
Telephone: (312) 413-4598Program Information
Location: UI Health
Duration: 4 weeks
Nights: Yes
Weekends: Yes
Students Accepted: Min. 0 Max. 2
Housestaff Used as Faculty: Yes
Lectures/Conferences/Faculty Contact: 5-9 lecture & conference/faculty supervision fourteen 8 hour shifts in ED.
Independent Study: Required readings/links provided and on CDEM; active use of medical resources during clinical shifts
Outpatient: Clinical shifts in Emergency Department
Total Hours/week: 37-45Reporting Instructions
UIH EM students are expected to email the the coordinator at least one week before the start date regarding orientation and schedule.
Location: ACMC
Program Number: ELEC 364
Program Director: Andrew Cox, MD
Coordinator: Lucia Ontiveros
Telephone: 708-684-1277
Duration: 4 Weeks
Night Call: 3-4 night shifts per rotation
Weekends: Yes
Students Accepted: Min. 1 Max. 1Housestaff Used as Faculty: Yes
Lectures/Conferences/Faculty Contact: 8
Laboratory/Independent Study: 1
Outpatient: 30-40 per week
Inpatient: 0
Total Hours /Week: 37-45Reporting Instructions:
Please review this website prior to reporting on your first day.
Students reporting to Advocate Christ Medical Center for the Emergency Medicine Elective are to go to the Department of Emergency Medicine Office, Room 185-W in the main hospital at 4440 W. 95th Street. Upon arrival they are to check in with Ann Nestor in Room 185-W.
Immunization & Compliance forms can be found here.
Required paperwork must be submitted 4 weeks prior to rotation.
Location: AIMMC
Program Number: ELEC 362
Program Director: Dr. Jacob Preston
Coordinator: Ruthie Rivera
Email: ruthie.rivera@aah.orgDuration: 4 weeks
Nights: Yes
Weekends: Yes
Students Accepted: Min. 0 Max. 2-3Housestaff Used as Faculty: Yes
Lectures/Conferences/Faculty Contact: 7-13 lecture & conference/faculty supervision fourteen 8 hour shifts in ED.
Laboratory: Student sessions vary by site (e.g. SIM session, skills, cases)
Independent Study: Required readings/links provided; active use of medical resources during clinical shifts
Outpatient: Clinical shifts in Emergency DepartmentTotal Hours/week: 37-45
Reporting Instructions:
Please email Program Director for instructions. Please review this website before reporting to Advocate IMMC.
Location: ALGH
Program Number: ELEC 362
Site Director: Terry Chiganos, M.D.
Coordinator: Tara Murphy
Telephone: 847-723-6479
Email: tara.murphy@aah.orgDuration: 4 Weeks
Night Call: Yes
Weekends: Yes
Students Accepted: Min. 0 Max. 2-3
Housestaff Used as Faculty: Yes
Lectures/Conferences/Faculty Contact: 6
Laboratory/Independent Study: 0
Outpatient: 40
Inpatient: 0
Total Hours /Week: 45Reporting Instructions:
Please review this website prior to reporting on your first day.
Students receive reporting instructions via email from the site coordinator approximately one week before start of rotation.
It is very important to follow all instructions and have all prerequisites fulfilled in a timely manner in order to insure your rotation will not be cancelled.
Program Number: ELEC 363
Location: Little Company of Mary
Program Directors: Abhi Vallabhaneni
Email: avalla3@uic.eduDuration: 4 Weeks
Night Call: Special*
Weekends: Yes
Students Accepted: 2
Coordinator: Elizabeth Valdivia
Phone: 708-229-5687
Housestaff Used as Faculty: Yes
Lectures/Conferences/Faculty Contact: 5-6 hours per week
Laboratory/Independent Study: No
Outpatient: 0
Inpatient: 30-40 hours of clinical shifts in the ER
Total Hours /Week: 35-40Reporting Instructions:
The program coordinator will email reporting instructions one week prior to start of the rotation.
Section 3 Heading link
Orientation is mandatory and you will not be able to start the elective without having been oriented first. Please email the coordinator should you have any questions.