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Apply to T35 Short-Term Research Training Program

The Summer 2025 program will run from June 30, 2025, to August 22, 2025.

Applications open: Monday, December 2, 2024

Application Deadline Extended: Now Due - Friday, February 21, 2025


Download the application here: SRTP 2025 Application

If you are unable to download the application, please contact Natalie Meza at to receive a copy by email.

Eligibility Requirements

  • U.S. citizen or permanent resident
  • Completion of the first year of medical school by the start of the program

Components of the Application

  • Research proposal 3-4 pages in length, followed by a bibliography.
    • The research proposal should include the following elements:
      • Cover Page: title of the proposal, student name, T35 research mentor’s name.
      • Specific Aims: principal aim(s) of the research project; a summary of the questions the student will ask and the methods that will be used.
      • Background and significance: information to help the reviewer understand the context of the questions the student is asking and why they are important, as well as the clinical and/or basic science significance of anticipated outcome(s).
      • Research proposal should include the following section: project aims, background/rationale, methods, resources needed, timeline and benchmarks to be achieved during the summer program, and project goals beyond the summer.
  • Letter of support from mentor which should include the following information:
    • Skills that the student will acquire with his/her work during the program.
    • Prior experience track record in mentoring.
    • Plan for supervision, including frequency of meetings, how progress will be assessed, and how feedback will be provided to trainees.
  • Personal statement describing how the program will affect professional development (one-page limit).
  • Student applicants resume/curriculum vitae including prior research experience.

Informational Session Recording Heading link

If you missed our informational session on December 4, 2024, you could view the recording here.