Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism Research

Overview/Focus Areas
The Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism is committed to advancing knowledge in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism and translating advances in research into clinical practice. Faculty members are involved in various areas of clinical and basic research.
Protocols range from broad-based multicenter clinical outcome studies to the effect of hormonal manipulations on gene expression. State-of-the-art technologies for immunoassay, flow cytometry, molecular biology, mass spectrometry, and metabolic studies including the use of stable isotopes, as well as computer-based data analysis are available through both the Division of Endocrinology and the Clinical Research Center.
Faculty members conduct active research in both basic and clinical endocrinology. These include projects in thyroid physiology, thyroid cancer, women’s health, osteoporosis, hypercalcemia of malignancy, neuroendocrinology, pituitary disorders, diabetes and growth factors. In-depth research training is supported through a NIH-sponsored training grant.