Meet the Chief: Dr. Ece Mutlu
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Chief, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Dr. Mutlu is professor of medicine. She previously served as associate chief of the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, and associate head for clinical affairs in the Department of Medicine.
Dr. Mutlu received her medical degree from Istanbul University and trained in gastroenterology at Loyola University. She also earned an MBA from the University of Chicago. She has substantial expertise in all aspects of clinical and translational research as well as a vast background in management and leadership. She is a clinician-scientist with 18 years of experience who specializes in inflammatory bowel disease. Her diligent approach to patient care and safety has earned her top-physician awards.
Dr. Mutlu is nationally and internationally known for her patient-oriented research studying nutrition and the intestinal microbiome. Her work has been supported by foundations and federal agencies. She serves on multiple advisory panels, conducts clinical trials, teaches, lectures, and publishes in the same fields.