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Salary and Benefits

Our program supports your professional growth and work-life balance, offering vacation days, an educational stipend, and other resources to enhance your training experience. Here, you'll find information about the salary for PGY-1, PGY-2, and PGY-3 residents, along with vacation time and educational stipends.

Salary Heading link

Annual $ 68,721.84 $ 71,134.68 73,568.16
Monthly 5,726.82 $ 5,927.89 $ 6,130.68
Educational Stipend $2,500 $3,000 $3,000
  • Vacation

    Your time outside of residency is as important as your time in it. Our residents receive four weeks of vacation each year and can request when those vacations are scheduled, just like rotations.

  • Educational Stipend

    The residency program pays for residents to attend the following annual conferences.

    • ICEP
    • CORD
    • ACEP (All PGY2, EM PGY3 & IM/EM PGY5)
    • SAEM, ACOEP, AAEM for those who have a poster accepted