Radiology Residency MS Program
Intro Heading link
Diagnostic Radiology or Diagnostic Radiology-Interventional Radiology residents interested in conducting research and transferring clinical skills from “bench to the bedside,” “study to practice,” and “practice to policy” should consider participating in the University of Illinois College of Medicine Department of Radiology Residency MS Program.
Program Description Heading link
Combining the strength of the University of Illinois College of Medicine with the only fully accredited School of Public Health in Illinois and the innovative clinical and translational research in the Department of Radiology, the Department of Radiology Residency M.S. Program offers a unique opportunity for residents to a Master of Science in Clinical and Translational Science (MS C.T.S.) degree during residency, in order to formally learn about the scientific process, develop relationships with specialty mentors, and prepare for careers as clinician-scientists in academic medicine.
Graduates of the MS in Clinical and Translational Science have the skills to direct a broad range of clinical studies, including the translation of scientific knowledge into clinical practice, and are able to interact effectively with all of the complementary disciplines with which clinical investigators need to collaborate. The Department of Radiology Residency MS C.T.S. Program is designed to prepare residents with the skills required to combine their clinical knowledge with the knowledge and skills needed to conduct research to prepare them for careers as clinical researchers and physician scientists. These research skills enable them to conduct clinical research as residents and then in clinical practice.
Through didactic coursework, a series of workshops and seminars, and a mentored research project with Department of Radiology faculty, the Department of Radiology Residency MS in Clinical and Translational Science Program helps build a new generation of skilled Radiology clinician-investigators focused on improving patient health outcomes through research. Graduates of the Department of Radiology Residency MS Program are ready to enter and capitalize on Radiology fellowship programs that provide research opportunities combined with clinical training.
As part of the Radiology Residency MS in Clinical and Translational Science Program, residents learn to communicate their insights effectively, to write well-conceived and persuasive grant application, complete research hours to collect data which is then written into a thesis paper and also formatted into a presentation for a Thesis Examining Committee. Residents learn the importance of ethical treatment of their subjects and as apprentice clinical investigators, they learn how to participate in a broader multidisciplinary research community that includes basic and social scientists, as well as clinicians from other areas of clinical practice.
The Department of Radiology Residency MS Program allows residents to complete training without prolonging residency training. Trainees interested in pursuing the MS C.T.S. degree are encouraged to indicate interest in their residency application. All incoming Radiology residents are eligible to participate.