Deepshika Tewari, PhD
Postdoc Fellow
Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Dr. Deepshikha Tewari is a senior postdoc in the Jalilian Lab, where she conducts scientific research focused on investigating the intricate molecular mechanisms underlying the function and interactions of corneal nerves within the ocular surface. Her research endeavors aim to gain a comprehensive understanding of the complex network of signaling pathways and cellular interactions that contribute to the maintenance and regeneration of corneal nerves. Prior to her current position, she worked as an independent scientist at the renowned Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, focusing on stem cell research projects related to osteoporosis treatment and bone regeneration. During her PhD, she specialized in molecular genetics, specifically studying hematological disorders and mutation detection. Dr. Tewari has been the recipient of prestigious fellowships, including the Women Scientist Fellowship and Young Scientist Fellowship from the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, as well as a Research Associateship from the Department of Biotechnology and Senior Research Fellowship from the Indian Council of Medical Research.