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Photo of Hallihan, Hagar

Hagar Hallihan, PhD, RN

Assistant Professor

Department of Medicine, Division of Academic Internal Medicine and Geriatrics


Dr. Hallihan is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine and directs the ABSTAIN Lab. Her overall research interests focus on alcohol use disorder (AUD) among young adults. She is interested in: (a) examining the neural mechanism underlying the susceptibility to alcohol addiction, (b) developing and assessing behavior change alongside technological interventions aimed at enhancing the well-being and outcomes of young adults with problematic drinking, and (c) investigating the impact of these interventions on cognitive function and their correlation with AUD among young adults.

Research Projects:
1.StuDy AimED at Increasing AlCohol AbsTinEnce (DEDICATE), funded by National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), K99/R00 career development award (K99/R00AA030665, Hallihan: PI): This study is testing an integrated AUD randomized controlled trial intervention, among young adults, to improve treatment efficacy and inform about the neural mechanisms of treatment.

2. Pilot Trial to Evaluate PROblem Solving Therapy and APPLE Watch for young adults (PRO-APPLE Pilot), funded by the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL) Health Equity Pilot Program (HEPP), (Hallihan: PI, Rospenda: Co-I, Miranda: Co-I): This study combines evidence-based therapeutic interventions with modern technological solutions, specifically Apple Watch features such as sleep management, regular walk, and heart rate to augment problem solving therapy targeting young adults with AUD.

3. University of Illinois Maternal Health Research Center of Excellence, funded by National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (U54HD113087, Caskey and Glassgow: MPI), Hallihan (Co-I): The goal is to address maternal mortality and morbidity by establishing a Maternal Health Research Center of Excellence.


University of Illinois at Chicago, PhD
Chamberlain University, MSN