Howard S Gordon, MD
Professor of Medicine
Staff Physician, Jesse Brown VA Medical Center (JBVAMC); Co-chair, JBVAMC IRB Site lead, Women’s Health Practice Based Research Network, VAMC
Department of Medicine, Division of Academic Internal Medicine and Geriatrics
Building & Room:
University of Illinois at Chicago, Westside Research Office
1747 West Roosevelt Road Chicago, IL 60608
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Biographical Info:
Dr. Gordon’s research interests focus on provider-patient communication and understanding, reducing, and eliminating racial disparities in healthcare. His research interests also include using health information technology to help patients manage their health and developing the infrastructure for multisite research using electronic health record data. His research has involved the assessment and development of interventions to improve doctors’ and patients’ communication skills and using state of the art risk adjustment methods to compare and assess outcomes in hospitalized patients. Dr. Gordon has served as principal investigator, site PI, and project leader on several national grants. Dr. Gordon collaborates with several investigators across Chicago and nationally in the VA and is a site PI for research projects investigating the relationship of cultural competency with doctor-patient communication and a video-based intervention to improve hypertension control in African-American Veterans.
Research Projects:
“CAPriCORN – Chicago Area Patient Centered Outcomes Research Network” aims to be the go to place for UIC researchers looking to extend their research beyond UIC to other sites in Chicago and across Chicago. CAPriCORN is a participant in PCORnet 2.0 a nationwide patient-centered outcomes research network.
“Great Lakes Practice Transformation Network” aims help health care professionals – from doctors and nurses to social workers and pharmacists – coordinate care, lower costs, and improve the health of American citizens. This project is funded by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
“Encouraging Patient-Centered Communication in Clinical Video Telehealth Visits” aims to test a video intervention to improve patients’ communication behaviors and assess the impact of the training programs on communication and outcomes in order to make patient care more patient-centered. This project is Funded by the VA Office of Research and Development.
- Co-Site PI: PRagmatic EValuation of evENTs And Benefits of Lipid-lowering in oldEr adults (PREVENTABLE)
- Site PI: Chicago Area Patient Centered Outcomes Research Network (CAPriCORN)
- PI: Empowering Veterans to Actively Communicate and Engage in Shared Decision Making in Medical Visits (ACTIVet-2)
Medical School: University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Residency: University Hospitals of Cleveland
Fellowship: Cleveland VAMC and University Hospitals of Cleveland