Dr. Vijay Yeldani, clinical professor of medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases helps fight COVID-19 in India.
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Dr. Vijay Yeldani
Dr. Vijay Yeldani, clinical professor of medicine in the division of infectious diseases, said he is seeing whole families sick with COVID. He’s a Chicago doctor helping out in India.
No one is able to take care of each other, and hospitals are overflowing, he said.
“Right now it’s terrible,” Yeldani said.
Yeldani is a doctor at University of Illinois at Chicago, but now he’s in Hyderabad, India, supporting the fight against COVID.
“Right now, they’ve got so many patients waiting to be admitted to the hospital that the only way they can admit the next patient is if somebody dies and a bed opens up,” Yeldani said.
View full story on ABC 7 website
Modified on February 26, 2024