Our Team Heading link
Michael A. Paprzyca
Cattrell Pitre
Diana Martinez
Ginger Mosely
Jack Mocarski
Johnny Tran
New Hire/OnBoarding Heading link
Faculty and Physician On-boarding
Get Acquainted with your Division administrator. Division administrators are a primary resource for new faculty and physicians. Division administrators are responsible for the on-boarding and orientation activities that occur at the divisional level. These include, but are not limited to:
- Assignment of buddy for division and clinic and/or lab orientation.
- Assignment of long-term mentor.
- Meet/greet divisional faculty and administrative support staff.
- Establish administrative support system.
- Establish office space and laboratory space/equipment as applicable.
- Request keys/building access.
- Request Hospital Network (LMS/Epic) access (Physicians)
- Schedule IT appointment.
- Schedule appointment with Compliance Officer.
- Order pager if applicable.
- Order lab coats if applicable.
Meeting with a Department Human Resources Associate
Meeting with a Department HR Associate is a critical part of the overall on-boarding experience. This meeting will occur in advance of a new faculty member’s start date.
Upon the acceptance of a letter of offer, a welcome message and meeting invitation is sent to new faculty members via email. This email also provides:
- Assigned University Identification Number (UIN)
- Assigned NetID (Includes Phone Book entry)
- Instructions on how to activate a UIC email account.
- Instructions and login/password for the completions of online New Hire System forms.
- Criminal Background Check and Authorization forms.
- List of items to bring to the on-boarding meeting.
Upon the acceptance of a letter of offer, new physicians receive an email from a Medical Staff Office Representative with instructions on how to begin completing the credentialing process via the web-based application available on the Medical Staff Office Practitioner Homepage. The department’s credentialing liaison is responsible for coordinating this process between the new physician, the Division Administrator, and the Medical Staff Office. During the meeting with an HR Associate, new faculty:
- Review New Hire System forms required to facilitate employment and payroll. *Forms List
- Receive valuable information about the Department of Medicine and the faculty promotion process.
- Receive instructions on how to register for a benefits orientation and complete their benefit enrollment.
- Receive forms and instructions required to obtain a University I-Card and Hospital ID Badge.
- Schedule Health University Services appointment.
- Review parking lot options and application process.
- Review letter of offer and appointment structure, as well as compensation components and payroll schedule.
- Close with Q&A session.
- Check-in with credentialing liaison.
Employees of the University of Illinois receive a variety of State of Illinois , as well as University specific benefits. The UIC HR New Employee/Orientation site offers an array of information and materials to familiarize new employees.
Information Technology
Departmental technical support is provided by our Office of Information & Technology. There are various university services and systems which can be cumbersome to a new employee. Our IT professionals offer hands-on-assistance and are devoted to customer service and satisfaction. The Department of Medicine IT office can be reached at: domithelp@uic.edu
Attention Physicians
- Credentialing/Privileging: new physicians are required to complete a State of Illinois Initial Credentialing Application along with several additional forms required by our Medical Staff Office. New physicians will be receiving an email from a Medical Staff Office Representative with instructions on how to begin completing the credentialing process via the web-based application MSO Practitioner Homepage.
- Division Administrators are responsible for requesting new physicians be granted access to LMS training modules and access to the UIH Network/Cerner Application.
- Division administrators need to assure all new physicians to meet with the department’s compliance officer. The compliance officer is a resource for billing, coding, documentation, and compliance issues. The meeting should occur within the first thirty days of employment.
- Lisa Tibbs
Compliance Officer
Department of Medicine
University of Illinois Chicago
840 S Wood Street 1020S (m/c 787)
Chicago, Illinois 60612
Phone: 312-413-9570
email: ldtibbs@uic.edu
- Lisa Tibbs
- Risk Management efforts at the University of Illinois encompass both strategic risk and financial, operational activities. The University Office of Risk Management is the insurance agent of the University and serves the entire university, including all its campuses, regional sites, and extension offices. Click here to learn more about Professional Liability (Medical Malpractice)
Find-a-Doctor Profile Request Form - UI Health
The Find-a-Doctor database is a tool to help potential patients locate a physician, learn about his or her background and credentials, and to make an online appointment request. To add a new provider profile, please visit the website link below.
Profile Request Form
The DOM website profile directory helps individuals connect and learn about our people’s background and credentials. To add a new profile, please submit a completed form at the link provided.