Nicole A. Perez, PhD
Assistant Professor
Director of Educational Research and Program Evaluation, Hispanic Center of Excellence
Department of Medical Education
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986 CMET
MC 591
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Nicole A. Perez (Ph.D., Sociology, University of Notre Dame) was a UIC Bridge to the Faculty Scholar which facilitated her transition to medical education. Nicole’s research and teaching interests lie at the intersection of education, race and ethnicity, immigration, and social inequality. As a trained sociologist, she applies frameworks and theories rooted in the sociology of race and ethnicity to medical education. Specifically, she is interested in transitions to and through medical school and training among historically underrepresented groups. Nicole is also the Director of Educational Research and Program Evaluation for the Hispanic Center of Excellence at the University of Illinois College of Medicine. Within the Department of Medical Education she teaches Scholarship in Health Professions Education, Qualitative Methods, and Diversity in Health Professions Education.
- ORCID: 0000-0002-4773-201X
Research Interest
- Research and Teaching Interests: race, ethnicity, immigration, qualitative methods, social inequality, sociology
Notable Honors
2024, Post-PhD Paper Award, Sociology of Education Association
2018, Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship, Honorable Mention
2017-18, Faculty First-Look Fellow, New York University Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development
2016, The American Dream Grant, The Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Studies, University of Notre Dame ($3,500)
2014-17, National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship ($96,000), National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship ($96,000)
Ph.D. University of Notre Dame, 2019 Sociology
Dissertation: At the Crossroads of America: New Latino Immigrants in Northern Indiana
M.A. University of Notre Dame, 2015 Sociology
B.A. University of California, Santa Barbara, 2012 (magna cum laude) Sociology and Chicana/o Studies
Research Currently in Progress
- 2021 Farruggia, Susan, Perez, Nicole and Miranda Velez. Off track but graduated: characteristics and experiences of students who recover. Chicago, IL: University of Illinois at Chicago.
- 2021 Perez, Nicole, Farruggia, Susan, and Evin Vinson. Exploring predictors of being on- track for college students. Chicago, IL: University of Illinois at Chicago
- 2020 Perez, Nicole, Farruggia, Susan, & Back, Lindsey. Creating a first-year on-track index for 4-year college graduation. Chicago, IL: University of Illinois at Chicago
- 2020 Farruggia, Susan, Phillips, Chanel, Perez, Nicole, Back, Lindsey, Koolbeck, Allie, Palbusa, Juliene, and Eric Schwarze. Creating a first-year on-track index for college students. Chicago, IL: University of Illinois at Chicago
- 2020 Farruggia, Susan, Schwarze, Eric, Perez, Nicole, Koh, Jinyoung, Back, Lindsey and Precilla Fajardo. Financial concerns of UIC first-year students. Chicago, IL: University of Illinois at Chicago
- 2020 Farruggia Susan, Fajardo, Precilla, Schwarze, Eric, Perez, Nicole, Koh, Jinyoung, and Lindsey Back. High needs of UIC first-year students. Chicago, IL: University of Illinois at Chicago