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Photo of Murthy, Vemuri S.

Vemuri S. Murthy, MD

Adjunct Associate Professor

Department of Emergency Medicine


Building & Room:

MC 724


808 S. Wood Street


Dr. Vemuri S. Murthy is an alumnus of Guntur Medical College and All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India. A former Chicago Anesthesiologist (and Department Chairman) for over thirty years, he is currently an Associate Professor (Adjunct) in the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Illinois College of Medicine in Chicago, Illinois, USA.

Dr. Murthy introduced the resuscitation training model for Indian Medical Colleges at Dr.NTR University of Health Sciences in 2012. He has been affiliated with the American Heart Association (AHA) for over thirty years in various capacities, such as National Faculty (ACLS) and Advisor to AHA International Training Centers in India.

Dr. Murthy is a visiting professor at various Indian medical institutes, such as the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (Mangalagiri). Besides being the Program Director for more than a hundred AHA courses in India and the USA, he chaired many Resuscitation and Emergency Medical Care Conferences in India since 2011, AHA ReSS sessions program in the USA, lectured at acclaimed US Medical Universities and authored resuscitation-related Journal articles and Cardiology book chapters. He is the co-investigator of a ground-breaking Cardiac Arrest Registry in India, “Warangal Area Cardiac Arrest Registry".

Dr. Murthy founded Chicago Medical Society’s Community CPR Project SMILE (Saving More Illinois Lives through Education) 2011. As an Advisor to the Odisha State Government (Health and Family Welfare), he initiated India's first State Government community CPR training project in Odisha in 2023. He founded the first Indo-US Community Health and CPR Training Center at the National India Hub, Schaumburg, Illinois, USA (2024).

Dr. Murthy, a past President of the Chicago Medical Society and Indian American Medical Association (Illinois), has received several prestigious national and international awards including two Lifetime Achievement Awards and a Medal of US Congress as “Global Champion of Resuscitation” for his professional and community service contributions in the USA and India.

Selected Grants

Medtronic Philanthropy, HeartRescue India, Consultant. Team member for project planning and implementation.

Selected Publications

Original Publications (Selective: Resuscitation & Cardiology only)

Peer-Reviewed Journals

“Implementation strategies to improve survival outcomes after Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: Global Challenges and disparities”
Vemuri S Murthy, Srinivas Ramaka & Ashima Sharma
Accepted for publication in November 2024, Journal of the Association of Physicians of India (JAPI)

Vemuri S Murthy, MD, MS. “Recent Advances in Resuscitation-Updates: Targeted Temperature Management.” Journal of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin – JAAPI 2(2):2022.

Vemuri S Murthy, M.D, M.S. “AHA 2020 Adult Resuscitation Guidelines and Interim Guidance during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Brief Review of 2020-2021 Updates”. Journal of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin – JAAPI 1(2):2021.

Srinivas Ramaka, Noreen T Nazir, Vemuri S Murthy*, Terry Vanden Hoek, Bellur S Prabhakar, Ravikumar Chodavarapu, Sundaresh Peri, Anveshini Uppuleti, Rakesh Jatoth Sindgi, Vasudeva Murthy, Adi Sarvar Mohammed, Stevan M Weine. “Epidemiology of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrests, knowledge of cardiovascular disease and risk factors in a regional setting in India: The Warangal Area Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Registry (WACAR).” Indian Heart Journal, Volume 72, Issue 6, Nov-Dec 2020, Pages 517-523.

* Co-Investigator. The publication was the winner of Mendeley FAIRest Dataset Award (2020).

Srinivas Ramaka, Vemuri S Murthy, Navin C. Nanda, Vasudeva Murthy Sindgi, Adi Sarvar Mohammed.

“An Observational Study of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrests Reported in Indian Print Media.”

Journal of Indian College of Cardiology Year:2019 | Vol.:9 | Issue:4 | Pages:223-229.

Niranjan Jagannathan MD, Anthony Marinelli, MD, Melvin Speisman, MD & Vemuri Murthy, MD.

“Therapeutic Hypothermia After Cardiac Arrest”. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. Vol 185. pp. A3166, © 2012.


Vemuri Murthy, MD, MS. “Best Practices in Healthcare”. Journal of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (JAAPI) 1(3):2021

Book Chapters (Cardiology)

Srinivas Ramaka, Vemuri S Murthy, Vasudeva Murthy Sindgi.

“Factors impacting Survival and Neuroprognostication After Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest.”

Cardiological Society of India: Cardiology Update 2023: Chapter 126, (944-951)

Srinivas Ramaka, Vemuri S Murthy, Vasudeva Murthy Sindgi.

“Update on Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA)”. Cardiological Society of India: Cardiology Update 2022: Chapter 133 (1201-1217)

Srinivas Ramaka, Vemuri S Murthy. “Improving Survival Outcomes from Out-of-Hospital Cardiac arrests in India: Present Status and Future Perspectives.” Cardiological Society of India: Cardiology Update 2021: Chapter 6 (38-44)

Peer-Reviewed Abstracts

Srinivas Ramaka, Vemuri S Murthy et al.  “An Observational Study Of Adult Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrests In A Cardiac Clinic From A Low -Resource Setting in India”. Indian Heart Journal, volume 75, Supplement 1, December 2023, Pages S86-S87.

Brent V Martinez, Nishi Dedania, UIC, Chicago, IL; Radhika Chimata, Rush, Chicago, IL; Shveta Khosla, Stockton Mayer, UIC, Chicago, IL; Vemuri Murthy, * Chicago, IL. Vijay Yeldandi, UIC, Chicago, IL

“The Acceptability and Impact of a Pilot Community Hands-Only Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training     Program in India.” AHA RESS November 2018. *Co-investigator & Resident Mentor

Chowdhury, Sumita; L’Italien, Gilbert J.; Nelson, John R.; Mathur, Virendra S.; Mason, R P.; Chowdhury, Palash R.; Philip, Sephy; Kulkarni, Krishnaji; Murthy, Vemuri; Dwarka; Shah, Uday; Valencia, Robert; Nanda, Navin; Deedwania, Prakash C. “High prevalence of Diabetes, Prediabetes, and Insulin resistance in South Asians: Implications for public health prevention based on a novel community registry”. American

Association of Clinical Endocrinologists 25th Annual Scientific & Clinical Congress, May 25- 29, 2016, Orlando, FL.

Gilbert J. L’Italien, John R. Nelson, Prakash C. Deedwania, Virendra S. Mathur, R. Preston Mason, Sephy    Philip, Kris Kulkarni, Vemuri Murthy, Dwarka Vemuri, Uday Shah, Robert Valencia, Navin Nanda, and Sumita Chowdhury. “The link between Hypertension and Insulin resistance in South Asians: Implications for prevention of cardiovascular complications”. Atherosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology/Peripheral Vascular Disease 2016 Scientific Sessions, May 5-7, 2016, Nashville, TN.

John R. Nelson, Prakash C. Deedwania, Gilbert J. L’Italien, Virendra S. Mathur, R. Preston Mason, Palash Chowdhury, Sephy Philip, Krishnaji Kulkarni, Vemuri Murthy, Dwarka Vemuri, Uday Shah, Robert Valencia, Navin Nanda, and Sumita Chowdhury. “Unique discordance of LDL-C levels and Apo A1/Remnant Ratios in South Asians: Implications for risk stratification for prevalent Diabetes Mellitus.” National Lipid Association Scientific Sessions, May 19-22, 2016, New Orleans, LA.


Community CPR training multi-lingual (Spanish, English and 5 Indian languages) pamphlets for USA and India (2021)

Community CPR training pamphlets in Oriya and English: Approved by the Government of Odisha, India (2023)

Magazine & Newspaper Articles

Vemuri S Murthy, MD. “Heart health: Focus Indians and Indian immigrants”
The South Asian Times, February 13-19, 2021

Vemuri S Murthy, MD. “Bystander CPR Saves Lives”: Chicago Medicine, June 2016

Vemuri S Murthy, MD. “Basic Training Can Save Lives Lost to Out-of-Hospital Sudden Cardiac Arrest.” TANA (Telugu Association of North America) Journal, August 2016

Vemuri S Murthy, MD. “Saving Lives is a Team Effort.” Chicago Medicine, January 2015

Editorial Board Appointments (Peer-reviewed Journals)

Editorial Board Advisor: Journal of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, 2021-2024

Member,International Editorial Board : Annals of Cardiac Anesthesia,2020-2023
Certified Elsevier Peer Reviewer: 2021- Present

Service to Community

International Service: India

2024: Advisor and Distinguished Speaker @ First Telangana State Emergency Medical Care Convention organized by the Indian Medical Association (Telangana) on February 11, 2024. 

2024: Guided the “Mass Hands-only CPR” event @ Gandhi Alumni Association Training Center, Hyderabad, Telangana, India on February 10, 2024. About 4000 participants were trained.

2024- Guided the “Mass Hands-only CPR” event involving Medical Students of Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences and Students of Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India on February 17, 2024. About 2000 participants were trained in CPR. 

2023- Guided the Odisha State Second Community CPR Convention @ Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology Convention Center in Bhubaneswar on August 1, 2023. The Convention was inaugurated by the Hon’ble Governor of Odisha Prof. Ganeshi Lal.

2023- Initiated (Founded) the First Indian statewide “Saving Lives in Odisha Bystander Community CPR Project”, launched by the Chief Minister Mr. Naveen Patnaik, Bhubaneswar, Odisha (February 2023). Organized the program training about 2400 participants in 9 hours. This was an Indo-US multi-organizational collaborative project. 

International Service - American Heart Association

 2022-Present, Liaison, “AHA Nation of Lifesavers India Initiative” 

2017-Present, Liaison to American Association of Cardiologists of Indian Origin. Conducted CME programs in “Resuscitation Medicine.” 

2014-2018, Member, AHA International Committee. Contributed to developing AHA programs in India, including “Saving Children’s Lives” in Gujarat, India. Contributed to the AHA initiatives internationally. 

2012-2014, Advisor, AHA International Training Centers, India.

1995-Present, International (Indian) Faculty for courses in Basic Life Support, Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support and Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support for Experienced Providers.

International Service - Indian Medical Universities

2012: Initiated the First Indian Medical University-affiliated AHA International Training Center at Dr.NTR University of Health Sciences, Andhra Pradesh, India. 2012.

Initiated a national model of mandatory resuscitation education and training in Indian Medical Colleges at Dr.NTR University of Health Sciences, Andhra Pradesh, India.

International Service to Indian Communities

2021, Authored community multi-lingual flyers for India, which were officially endorsed by the Chicago Indian Consulate.

 2015, Co-founder of a National Indian CPR Community Bystander project. 

Other International Service 

2013, Advisor, Third Andhra Pradesh State Convention on Emergency Care @ Guntur Medical College, Guntur, India.

2012, Advisor, Second Andhra Pradesh State Convention on Emergency & Trauma Care @ Dr.NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India. 

2011, Advisor, “Updates on Emergency Care.” First Andhra Pradesh State Convention on Emergency Care @ NRI Academy of Medical Sciences, Chinakakani, Andhra Pradesh, India.

National Service

2019, American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI): Initiated International CME programs for Physicians with CME Credits.

2018, Chairman, Chicago Medical Society Delegation: Represented the physicians in Greater Chicago Area at the Capitol (Washington, DC) as the President of the Society addressing legislative issues and National healthcare policies, organizing meetings with U.S. Senators and Members of the U.S. Congress.

American Heart Association (AHA)

2024-    Co-Chairman & Coordinator, American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) & American Heart Association (AHA) Ad Hoc Committee

2017-18 Chairman, American Heart Association- American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin Liaison Committee

2011-2015, Member, Emergency Cardiovascular Care Committee, Illinois

2011-2015, AHA Regional Faculty (Illinois)

2013-2015, National Faculty, American Heart Association

2000-Present, Program Director, American Heart Association Basic Life Support, Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support, and Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (Experienced Provider). Affiliated currently with AHA Advocate Christ Training Center, Oak Lawn, Illinois

Regional Service

Regional Service - Chicago Medical Society 

2019-present, Member, COVID-19 Task Force of the Chicago Medical Society

The committee raised public awareness of COVID-19 and promoted vaccinations through town hall meetings, newspaper articles, and TV interviews.

2018-Present, Chairman of the Board of Trustees

2017-2018, President

2012, Founder, Project SMILE (Saving More Illinois Lives through Education), a volunteer bystander community CPR program given in Greater Chicago area during health fairs and other community events.  The programs (2012-present) are conducted in diverse communities and underserved areas too. The trainees included US Congressmen, Illinois legislators and members of the Chicago Consulates. The informational flyers were developed in English and Spanish.

2012, Collaborated and lobbied (on behalf of the Chicago Medical Society) for a friendlier “Good Samaritan Illinois State Law” to promote Bystander CPR in Illinois.

2010-Present. Member, CME Committee 

Regional Service - Illinois State Medical Society

 2010-Present, Delegate to Illinois State Medical Society from Chicago Medical Society. Contributed to physician advocacy and legislative reforms at the state level.

2002-2005, Member, CME Committee

Regional Service - Indian American Medical Association, Illinois

 2023- Current: Member, 

1999-2003: Member, Board of Directors, Indian American Medical Association, Illinois Charitable Clinic, Chicago

1998: President

1983-Present, Member, Board of Directors

1990-Present: Promoted Association’s programs involving academic activities (Golden Stethoscope Awards for Illinois Residents’ research presentations). Involved with preventive screening and basic healthcare services for underserved communities in Chicago through the Charitable Clinic. 

Hospital Service

Faculty Judge: UIC Research poster presentations: 2020, 2021,2022 &2023 

University of Illinois at Chicago Department of Emergency Medicine

Contributed to the HeartRescue India project as enumerated in the Research Section.


Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge, Illinois

June 2013: Speaker (CME) “Advances in Resuscitation”, Anesthesiology Department Grand Rounds

2012: Initiated community hands-only CPR training for the neighboring communities of the hospital.

June 2013: Speaker (CME), Anesthesiology Department Grand Rounds

2010-2012: Initiated community hands-only CPR training for the neighboring communities of the hospital.

2004-2012: Member of Pharmacy Committee, Blood Transfusion Committee and CME Committee

April 2011: Speaker (CME), hospital grand rounds on “AHA BLS & ACLS Guidelines”

June 2009: Speaker (CME), hospital grand rounds on “Adult Resuscitation”

West Suburban Hospital Medical Center, Oak Park, Illinois 

2007-2012&1993-2004, Chairman, Department of Anesthesiology @ West Suburban Medical Center, Oak Park, Illinois: served on the Executive Committee and helped implement the recommendation of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations.

Served on CME, Blood Transfusion, Critical Care and Pharmacy Committees.

April 2011: Speaker (CME), hospital grand rounds on “AHA BLS & ACLS Guidelines”

June 2009: Speaker (CME), hospital grand rounds on “Adult Resuscitation”

1998-2011: Participated and Conducted AHA BLS and ACLS Courses for Hospital Staff as  AHA Faculty


Residency in Anesthesiology 1980-1983
Rush-Presbyterian St. Luke’s Medical Center (Rush University), Chicago, Illinois

Junior Attending, General Surgery & Emergency (Casualty) Department 1979
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, India

Residency, General Surgery (leading to Master of Surgery, MS)1975-1978
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, India

Medical Education 1968-1975
Doctor of Medicine (Awards)
Guntur Medical College, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India

Pre-Medical Education
Bachelor of Science (Honors: Biology & Chemistry), Andhra University, India 1965-1968

Simulation Training 2016
Visiting Scholar, Medical Simulation
Neil and Elise Wallace STRATUS Center for Medical Simulation
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA

Licensures and Certifications

Diplomate, American Board of Anesthesiology 1987
State Medical License: Illinois 1980-present

Chairman, Department of Anesthesiology 2007-2012 & 1993-2004
West Suburban Medical Center
Oak Park, Illinois

Professional Memberships

Institute of Medicine of Chicago: Member (Billings Fellow) 2020-present
European Resuscitation Council 2019-present
American Association of Cardiologists of Indian Origin 2019-present
Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) 2016-2019
American Heart Association 2006-present
American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin 1997-present
International College of Surgeons (USA) 1994-1996
Indian American Medical Association, Illinois 1990-present
American Society of Anesthesiologists 1983-present
Chicago Medical Society 1983-present
Illinois State Medical Society 1983-present
American Medical Association 1983-present
Aiimsonians of America -present

Selected Presentations

Invited Distinguished Speaker on March 12,2024: “Heart Health and Bystander CPR” Lecture (Virtual) for St. Thomas College (Faculty Development Program), Chennai, India

“Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based Emergency Medical Care Workshop with Hi-Fidelity Simulation”
@Gandhi Alumni Center” in Hyderabad, Telangana, India involving Faculty from Gandhi Medical College and Osmania Medical College on February 12,2024. This is the First AI-based EMC Workshop in India.

“Global Advances in Adult Resuscitation” as invited distinguished Speaker to the Physicians of the Telangana State at the First Telangana Emergency Medical Care Convention on February 11,2024 in Hyderabad, Telangana, India.

Lecture as an invited Speaker @ CARE Hospital, Hyderabad, India to the Attending Medical Staff on “Advances in Cardiac and Neuroresuscitation” on February 10,2024.

Lecture as Invited US Professor to the Faculty and Medical Staff on “Neuroprognostication and Neuroresuscitation” @ Nizam Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, Telangana, India on February 9,2024.

“Basic and Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support Guidelines during Covid-19 Era”
CME Presentation as Invited International Faculty@ 38th International Conference on Emergency Medicine and Role of Primary Care Physicians Organized by Sri Venkateswara Medical College Alumni, India (Webinar), September 24,2023

"Global Advances in Resuscitation Medicine: An Update on Indian Resuscitation Projects."
CME 1-hour Lecture as Visiting Professor @ the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) and Capital Hospital, Bhubaneshwar, Odisha, India, July 24, 2023.

“Basics and Recent Advances in Adult Resuscitation”
Lecture as Visiting Professor @ SCB Medical College & Hospital, Cuttack, Odisha, India, July, 29,2023

“Introduction to Resuscitation Medicine”: Oral presentation, Sharda University, Greater Noida, India, January 7,2023

“Updates on Adult Resuscitation 2023”: Oral presentation, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, February 3,2023

“Introduction to AHA ACLSEP Course”: Oral presentation, Aayush Hospital, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India, January 22,2023

“Advances in Adult Resuscitation, COVID-19 guidance and OHCA registries”, Pinnamaneni Institute of Medical Sciences, Vijayawada, January 23,2023

“Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Registries: Focus: India.” Oral presentation, American Association of Cardiologists of Indian Origin (AACIO) Virtual Cardiology Symposium, November 2022
“Cardio-cerebral Resuscitation.” Oral presentation, Hold Medical Academy of India, Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu, India (Webinar), April 2022

“Basics of Resuscitation.” Oral presentation, (Webinar) Birla Institute of Technology, College of Pharmacy, Mesra, India. 2018 and 2019

“Updates on Adult Resuscitation.” Oral presentation, MS Ramaiah Medical College, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, January 2018

“Global Health: Focus India”: Invited Speaker @ “Life Sciences Summit -Bringing Knowledge, Capital and Industry Together” Organized by Consulate General of India, Chicago on May 18,2015.

“Resuscitation Science and Role of the American Heart Association.” Oral presentation, Indian Medical Association Annual Oration, Vijayawada, India, January 2015

“Advances in Adult Resuscitation.” Oral presentation, Guntur Medical College, Andhra Pradesh, India, January 2012

“Basics of Resuscitation.” Oral presentation, Guntur Medical College, Andhra Pradesh, India, January 2011

“Updates on Emergency Care.” Oral presentation, First Andhra Pradesh State Convention on Emergency Care, NRI Academy of Medical Sciences, Chinakakani, Andhra Pradesh, India, January 2011

“Updates on Emergency Care.” Oral presentation, Second Andhra Pradesh State Convention on Emergency & Trauma Care, Dr.NTR University of Health Sciences, Andhra Pradesh, India, January 2012

“Updates on Emergency Care.” Oral presentation, Third Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh State Convention on Emergency Care, Guntur Medical College, Guntur, India, January 2013

“Advances in Obstetrical Anesthesia.” Oral presentation, Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, India, January 1986

National Presentations (Lectures)

“Recent Advances in Emergency Medicine; Focus: Adult Cardiac Resuscitation”
virtual CME lecture @ the Indian American Medical Association, IL during Croatia CME tour on August 13,2024

“Global Advances in Adult Cardiac Resuscitation”, CME lecture @ the annual Meeting of the AIIMSonians of America (AOA) in Springfield, Illinois, August 09,2024

“Update on Sudden Cardiac Arrest Research in India”, Lecture @ Annual Meeting of the American Association of Cardiologists of Indian Origin (AACIO), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 11,2023

“Adult Resuscitation Guidelines during COVID-19; Research updates on Targeted Temperature Management and Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Registries: Focus India” Presentation (CME) as Keynote Speaker, Annual Gala Banquet, Indian American Medical Association, Illinois, Oak Brook, Illinois, December 2022
“Recent advances in resuscitation, COVID-19 guidance, and Targeted Temperature Management.” Lecture (CME), Annual Convention, American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, San Antonio, Texas, July 2022

“Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Registries.” Lecture (CME), America Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, USA, 2021

“AHA BLS and ACLS Guidelines Update.” Visiting Faculty Lecture (CME), Department of Anesthesiology, Brigham, and Women’s Hospital (Harvard), Boston, MA, May 2016

Regional, State & Local Presentations (Lectures)
Lecture: “Pharmacology of Resuscitation.” Oral presentation, Midwestern University, Chicago College of Pharmacy, Chicago, Illinois, 2018

“AHA guidelines for BLS and ACLS.” Oral presentation (CME), South Suburban Hospital, Chicago, Illinois,2013

Research Currently in Progress

“Epidemiology of cardiovascular disease, risk factors and outcomes in Warangal -The Warangal Heart Registry”

Role: Co-Investigator


Intellectual Property

International Courses & Workshops

Organized and Chaired the First Indo-US Emergency Medical Care (EMC) CME Workshop with advanced simulation and AI at Guntur Medical College, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India under the aegis of Dr.NTR University of Health Sciences. It was attended by about 700 medical students, residents and faculty from several Medical Colleges on January 27,2025.

Organized and Chaired the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) Indo-US Scientific Convention on EMC on January 18,2025 in Hyderabad, Telangana attended by about 400 Indo-US Physicians.

Faculty workshop: Management of Emergency Cases with Artificial Intelligence/Virtual Medical Simulation @ Gandhi Medical College Training Center, Hyderabad, Telangana, India on Feb 12,2024.
This is the first AI-based EMC Faculty workshop in India.

Training AHA ITC Faculty: BLS and ACLS Provider and Instructor Courses, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalagiri, Andhra Pradesh, India, Jan 17-20,2023

Course Director, ACLS Workshop using SimMan 3D, All India institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalagiri, Andhra Pradesh, India, Jan 20,2023

Course Instructor (Virtual): “Basics of Adult Resuscitation” (Faculty, Residents and Medical Students). All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalagiri, India. April 2022

Course Instructor (Virtual): “Advances in Resuscitation, Interim Guidance during COVID-19 Epidemic and Targeted Temperature Management”. (Faculty, Residents and Medical Students). All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalagiri, India. July 2022

Workshop Moderator: (6-hour CME) “Advanced Resuscitation (post-cardiac arrest) with High-Fidelity Simulation.” Nizam Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, India, January 2019

Training AHA TC Faculty: “AHA BLS and ACLS course” for Nurses, Interns, Residents and Faculty.
Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Karim Nagar, Telangana, India, January 2019

Course Director: “AHA ACLS-EP Course” (8 hours) for Faculty. MS Ramaiah Medical College, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, January 2019

Course Director: “AHA ACLS-EP Course” (8 hours) for Residents and Faculty Nizam Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, India), January 2019

Training AHA TC Faculty: “AHA BLS & ACLS Course”. Konaseema Institute of Medical Sciences, Andhra Pradesh, India, January 2017

Course Instructor: “Basics and Advances of Resuscitation” SV Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India, January 2016 & January 2017

Workshop Faculty: “Resuscitation with Simulation”. Osler’s Academy, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India, January 2017

Training AHA TC Faculty: “AHA BLS and ACLS Courses”, Gandhi Medical College, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India, January 2012, January 2014 & January 2015
AHA Faculty: “AHA Workshop on Resuscitation”, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India, January 2015

AHA Faculty: “AHA ACLS EP Course”, Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi and Hyderabad, India, January 2015

Course Director: “AHA BLS & ACLS Courses”, Pinnamaneni Siddartha Medical College, Gannavaram, Andhra Pradesh, India. January 2015

Course Director: “AHA BLS & ACLS Courses”, Global Health Summit of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, January 2014

Course Director: “AHA BLS & ACLS Courses”, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Karimnagar, India, December 2013

Course Director: “AHA BLS & ACLS Provider and Instructor Courses”, Guntur Medical College, Andhra Pradesh, India, January 2013

Course Director: “AHA BLS & ACLS Provider and Instructor Courses”, Guntur Medical College, Andhra Pradesh, India, January 2012

Course Director: “AHA BLS & ACLS Courses”, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Karimnagar, India, December 2012

Course Director: “AHA BLS & ACLS Courses”, NRI Medical College, Chinakakani, Andhra Pradesh, India, January 2011
Course Director: “AHA BLS & ACLS Courses”, NRI Medical College, Chinakakani, Andhra Pradesh, India, January 2010

Course Director: “AHA BLS & ACLS Provider and Instructor Courses”, Gandhi Medical College, Secunderabad, Telangana, India, January 2010

Course Director: “AHA BLS & ACLS Provider and Instructor Courses”, SV Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India, January 2010

Course Director: “AHA BLS & ACLS Courses”, NRI Medical College, Chinakakani, Andhra Pradesh, India, January 2009

Course Director: “AHA BLS & ACLS Courses”, Mediciti Hospital, Ghanpur, Andhra Pradesh, India,

National Courses & Workshops

Course Director: AHA ACLS-EP Course (8 hours) for Critical Care and Cardiology Faculty, Baylor Ben Taub Hospital, Houston, Texas, August 2019

Co-Chair and Speaker: “Healthcare Simulation Technology in India”, AHA RESS Scientific Sessions Resuscitation Workshop, 2017

Regional Courses & Workshops

Course Director: “AHA ACLS Experienced Provider Course” (7-hours CME) for the Department of Cardiology, Advocate Christ Hospital, Oak Lawn, Illinois, 2018

Course Director: “AHA ACLS Course” (6- hour CME): Chicago Medical Society, July 2015

Course Director: “AHA ACLS Course” (6-hour CME): Chicago Medical Society Midwest Clinical Conference, July 2014

Teaching Faculty In-Charge: For residents in Internal Medicine, Family Practice and Transitional Medicine programs of the hospital rotating through the Department of Anesthesiology for Airway and Resuscitation Training. (2007-2012 &1993-2004)

Research Mentoring: Indo-US Medical University Residents (Few examples only)

Adil Sarver Mohammad (Medical Student at Mamata Medical College, Khammam, Telangana, India)
Jan 2018-December 2018: Mentored for “Warangal Area Cardiac Arrest Registry” in India. We co-authored two publications “Epidemiology of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrests, knowledge of cardiovascular disease and risk factors in a regional setting in India: The Warangal Area Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Registry (WACAR) & “An Observational Study of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrests Reported in Indian Print Media.”

Brent V Martinez (Resident, UIC, Chicago, IL)
April 2017-May 2018: Mentored for community cardiopulmonary resuscitation research project in India. We co-authored a poster presentation “The Acceptability and Impact of a Pilot Community Hands-Only Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training Program in India”.”

Nishi Dedania (Resident, UIC, Chicago, IL)
April 2017-May 2018: Mentored for a community cardiopulmonary resuscitation research project in India. We co-authored a poster presentation “The Acceptability and Impact of a Pilot Community Hands-Only Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training Program in India”.

Chimata, Radhika (Resident, Rush University, Chicago, IL)
April 2017-May 2018: Mentored for a community cardiopulmonary resuscitation research project in India. We co-authored a poster presentation “The Acceptability and Impact of a Pilot Community Hands-Only Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training Program in India”.
June 2015: Mentored for “Saving More Illinois Lives through Education” project for conducting programs in Illinois.

Niranjan Jagannathan (Resident, West Suburban Medical Center, Oak Park, Illinois)
Jan 2010- December 2011: Mentored for “Therapeutic Hypothermia after Cardiac Arrest” project.
Co-authored publication “Therapeutic Hypothermia after Cardiac Arrest”.
International Courses & Workshops

Faculty workshop: Management of Emergency Cases with Artificial Intelligence/Virtual Medical Simulation @ Gandhi Medical College Training Center, Hyderabad, Telangana, India on Feb 12,2024.
This is the first AI-based EMC Faculty workshop in India.

Training AHA ITC Faculty: BLS and ACLS Provider and Instructor Courses, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalagiri, Andhra Pradesh, India, Jan 17-20,2023

Course Director, ACLS Workshop using SimMan 3D, All India institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalagiri, Andhra Pradesh, India, Jan 20,2023

Course Instructor (Virtual): “Basics of Adult Resuscitation” (Faculty, Residents and Medical Students). All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalagiri, India. April 2022

Course Instructor (Virtual): “Advances in Resuscitation, Interim Guidance during COVID-19 Epidemic and Targeted Temperature Management”. (Faculty, Residents and Medical Students). All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalagiri, India. July 2022

Workshop Moderator: (6-hour CME) “Advanced Resuscitation (post-cardiac arrest) with High-Fidelity Simulation.” Nizam Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, India, January 2019

Training AHA TC Faculty: “AHA BLS and ACLS course” for Nurses, Interns, Residents and Faculty.
Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Karim Nagar, Telangana, India, January 2019

Course Director: “AHA ACLS-EP Course” (8 hours) for Faculty. MS Ramaiah Medical College, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, January 2019

Course Director: “AHA ACLS-EP Course” (8 hours) for Residents and Faculty Nizam Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, India), January 2019

Training AHA TC Faculty: “AHA BLS & ACLS Course”. Konaseema Institute of Medical Sciences, Andhra Pradesh, India, January 2017

Course Instructor: “Basics and Advances of Resuscitation” SV Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India, January 2016 & January 2017

Workshop Faculty: “Resuscitation with Simulation”. Osler’s Academy, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India, January 2017

Training AHA TC Faculty: “AHA BLS and ACLS Courses”, Gandhi Medical College, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India, January 2012, January 2014 & January 2015
AHA Faculty: “AHA Workshop on Resuscitation”, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India, January 2015

AHA Faculty: “AHA ACLS EP Course”, Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi and Hyderabad, India, January 2015

Course Director: “AHA BLS & ACLS Courses”, Pinnamaneni Siddartha Medical College, Gannavaram, Andhra Pradesh, India. January 2015

Course Director: “AHA BLS & ACLS Courses”, Global Health Summit of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, January 2014

Course Director: “AHA BLS & ACLS Courses”, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Karimnagar, India, December 2013

Course Director: “AHA BLS & ACLS Provider and Instructor Courses”, Guntur Medical College, Andhra Pradesh, India, January 2013

Course Director: “AHA BLS & ACLS Provider and Instructor Courses”, Guntur Medical College, Andhra Pradesh, India, January 2012

Course Director: “AHA BLS & ACLS Courses”, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Karimnagar, India, December 2012

Course Director: “AHA BLS & ACLS Courses”, NRI Medical College, Chinakakani, Andhra Pradesh, India, January 2011
Course Director: “AHA BLS & ACLS Courses”, NRI Medical College, Chinakakani, Andhra Pradesh, India, January 2010

Course Director: “AHA BLS & ACLS Provider and Instructor Courses”, Gandhi Medical College, Secunderabad, Telangana, India, January 2010

Course Director: “AHA BLS & ACLS Provider and Instructor Courses”, SV Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India, January 2010

Course Director: “AHA BLS & ACLS Courses”, NRI Medical College, Chinakakani, Andhra Pradesh, India, January 2009

Course Director: “AHA BLS & ACLS Courses”, Mediciti Hospital, Ghanpur, Andhra Pradesh, India,

National Courses & Workshops

Course Director: AHA ACLS-EP Course (8 hours) for Critical Care and Cardiology Faculty, Baylor Ben Taub Hospital, Houston, Texas, August 2019

Co-Chair and Speaker: “Healthcare Simulation Technology in India”, AHA RESS Scientific Sessions Resuscitation Workshop, 2017

Regional Courses & Workshops

Course Director: “AHA ACLS Experienced Provider Course” (7-hours CME) for the Department of Cardiology, Advocate Christ Hospital, Oak Lawn, Illinois, 2018

Course Director: “AHA ACLS Course” (6- hour CME): Chicago Medical Society, July 2015

Course Director: “AHA ACLS Course” (6-hour CME): Chicago Medical Society Midwest Clinical Conference, July 2014

Teaching Faculty In-Charge: For residents in Internal Medicine, Family Practice and Transitional Medicine programs of the hospital rotating through the Department of Anesthesiology for Airway and Resuscitation Training. (2007-2012 &1993-2004)

Research Mentoring: Indo-US Medical University Residents (Few examples only)

Adil Sarver Mohammad (Medical Student at Mamata Medical College, Khammam, Telangana, India)
Jan 2018-December 2018: Mentored for “Warangal Area Cardiac Arrest Registry” in India. We co-authored two publications “Epidemiology of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrests, knowledge of cardiovascular disease and risk factors in a regional setting in India: The Warangal Area Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Registry (WACAR) & “An Observational Study of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrests Reported in Indian Print Media.”

Brent V Martinez (Resident, UIC, Chicago, IL)
April 2017-May 2018: Mentored for community cardiopulmonary resuscitation research project in India. We co-authored a poster presentation “The Acceptability and Impact of a Pilot Community Hands-Only Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training Program in India”.”

Nishi Dedania (Resident, UIC, Chicago, IL)
April 2017-May 2018: Mentored for a community cardiopulmonary resuscitation research project in India. We co-authored a poster presentation “The Acceptability and Impact of a Pilot Community Hands-Only Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training Program in India”.

Chimata, Radhika (Resident, Rush University, Chicago, IL)
April 2017-May 2018: Mentored for a community cardiopulmonary resuscitation research project in India. We co-authored a poster presentation “The Acceptability and Impact of a Pilot Community Hands-Only Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training Program in India”.
June 2015: Mentored for “Saving More Illinois Lives through Education” project for conducting programs in Illinois.

Niranjan Jagannathan (Resident, West Suburban Medical Center, Oak Park, Illinois)
Jan 2010- December 2011: Mentored for “Therapeutic Hypothermia after Cardiac Arrest” project.
Co-authored publication “Therapeutic Hypothermia after Cardiac Arrest”.