Delivery Information
When ordering equipment or supplies from vendors it is important to give the vendor the complete mailing address along with a contact name, phone number and department name. This allows the vendor to contact you when they are delivering a package. If the vendor leaves the package in the lobby of one of our buildings, having contact information on the package helps us track down where the package belongs.
If a delivery requires a loading dock, there is a single-bay dock located in the COMRB.
The building address for the COMRB is 909 S. Wolcott Ave., however, the unmanned COMRB Dock (single bay) is located on Taylor Street just east of Wolcott Avenue. No loading/unloading equipment is available. Departments should request a call from the delivery company when they are 15 mins out so you can meet them at the dock and direct them to your lab.
Before committing to the delivery using the unmanned Wood St. Dock (840 S. Wood St.), you should obtain the exact dimensions of the crates including the height (while on their forklift or however they will be transporting them), take a tape measure and make certain that the crates will fit through all doorways between the dock and your lab door.
FAQ Heading link
Instrument Ship-to Address
1858 W. Taylor Street, Chicago, IL 60612
is the dock address for
909 S. Wolcott which is the building’s official address. -
Primary and Secondary Contact Names
Someone in the lab
Contact Phone Numbers
A number that will be answered (usually a cell phone number of someone physically on site).
Customer Emails
An email address that you look at regularly.
What are the drop-off Dock Hours?
COMRB 934 has no hours but the lab contact should let the driver in. 920 CSB 6AM -5PM. Both are first come first serve. There are no dock attendants. Please close door when done.
Does the address provided have the ability to receive palletized freight (Trailer Truck) shipments?
Is there a loading dock or does the shipment require ground level?
Yes there is a loading dock with leveling plate.
Is a Lift gate required?
Is there a specific contact we should reach out to regarding Site Preparation?
This should be the lab where the item is going.
Is there a specific contact we should reach out to regarding Invoicing?
Someone in the lab who is expecting the equipment.
Can you please provide us our Tax Exemption Form if applicable.
Your lab and/or department should provide this.
Small Package/Consumable Ship-to Address
Lab to provide correct mailing address