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Photo of Cheng, Ni

Ni Cheng, PhD

Research Associate Professor

Department of Pharmacology & Regenerative Medicine


Building & Room:

4120 COMRB


909 S. Wolcott Ave, Chicago IL, 60608

Office Phone:



Research Interests

My research has focused on the mechanisms of inflammation, and inflammation induced thrombosis in human diseases such as heart attack and ischemic injury, sepsis and septic shock. Recently, I have been exploring the mechanisms of G alpha 13 in integrin outside-in signaling. As translational research, we have developed a peptide-based inhibitor of integrin outside-in signaling and explored the roles of this inhibitor in treating thrombosis, inflammation and myocardial ischemia/reperfusion (MI/R) injury.

Selected Publications

Cheng N, Zhang Y, Delaney MK, Wang C, Bai Y, Skidgel RA, Du X. Targeting Gα13-integrin interaction ameliorates systemic inflammation. Nat Commun. 2021 May 27;12(1):3185. PMCID: PMC8159967.

Pang A, Cheng N, Cui Y, Bai Y, Hong Z, Delaney MK, Zhang Y, Chang C, Wang C, Liu C, Plata PL, Zakharov A, Kabirov K, Rehman J, Skidgel RA, Malik AB, Liu Y, Lyubimov A, Gu M, Du X. High-loading Gα13-binding EXE peptide nanoparticles prevent thrombosis and protect mice from cardiac ischemia/reperfusion injury. Sci Transl Med. 2020 Jul 15;12(552). PMCID: PMC8061427.

Cheng N, Liang Y, Du X, Ye RD. (2018) Serum amyloid A promotes LPS clearance and suppresses LPS-induced inflammation and tissue injury. EMBO Rep. 2018 Oct;19(10). PMID: 30126923.

Cheng, N., He, R.L., Tian, J., Ye, P.P. & Ye, R.D. (2008) Cutting Edge: TLR2 is a functional receptor for acute-phase serum amyloid A.  J. Immunol, 181: 22-26. PMCID: PMC2464454.