Learn about our unparalleled research facilities and research areas our department focuses on.
Our department's faculty research focuses on key areas, including vascular biology, lung biology and pathophysiology, inflammation signaling mechanisms, cell receptors and signaling, stem cell biology and regenerative medicine, and mechanisms of thrombosis and platelet signaling.
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Research Facilities Heading link
The Department of Pharmacology is located within the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, the nation’s largest medical school and a part of the University of Illinois Hospital and Health Sciences System. Our faculty, postdocs, and students have access to the first-rate, research-oriented facilities and resources listed below:
Research Resources Center (RRC)
The RRC is a division of the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and works with research and teaching departments to obtain, maintain and support high-technology scientific equipment for use by research faculty and staff. It provides training, instrumentation for user operation, services and expertise in the application of a wide range of instrumental techniques for chemical, biological and structural characterization. Most of the RRC west campus facilities are located on the 1st floor and basement of the Medical Sciences Building (within the same building as our department) at 835 S Wolcott, Chicago, IL 60612.
Currently, RRC consists of 24 cores, centers and laboratories, many that are used by our department (including those listed below).
- BIOR – The UI Biorepository
- CCVRPC – Center for Cardiovascular Research Physiology Core
- CGF – Core Genomics Facility
- CIF – Confocal Imaging Facility
- CRI – Center for Research Informatics
- CSB – Center for Structural Biology
- DNAS – DNA Services Facility
- EMS – Electron Microscopy Service
- FCS – Flow Cytometry Service
- GEC – Genome Editing Core
- HTS – High-Throughput Screening
- MMPF – Mass Spectrometry, Metabolomics & Proteomics Facility
- MRI – Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- NCF – Nanotechnology Core Facility
- NMRL – Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Lab
- PRL – Protein Research Lab
- RC – Research Computing
- RHTIC – Research Histology and Tissue Imaging Core
- SAI – Small Animal Imaging
- SCSS – Scientific Computing Services & Support
- SIS – Scientific Instrument Shop
- SPR – Surface Plasmon Resonance
- SSC – Scientific Supply Center
- TPS – Transgenic Production/ IVIS Imaging
Biologic Resources Laboratory (BRL)
Animals will be housed in the AAALAC (Association for the Assessment and Accrediation of Laboraty Animal Care) – accredited Biological Resource Laboratory, which is located in the newly built state-of-the-art animal facility in the College of Medicine Research Building at 1840 W Taylor Street. The staff of BRL ensures that the UIC animal care program meets federal regulations, the requirements of AAALAC and current standards for providing adequate veterinary care and proper animal husbandry.
The BRL facility has over 100,000 square feet of housing and support space, staffed with numerous clinical veterinarians and animals are checked frequently by board certified staff veterinarians prior to use. All personnel handling animals are required to take the mandatory University of Illinois Animal Care Training.
Library of Health Sciences (LHS)
The Library of Health Sciences, located at 1750 W Polk Street, is one of the largest medical libraries in the United States and supports education, research and clinical practice in the health sciences. LHS also serves as the regional medical library for ten Midwestern states.