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Our Recent Graduates

Graduated YearNameAdvisorThesis TitleCurrent Position
2018Jugajyoti BaruahKishore WaryRole of Endothelial Nanog in Homeostasis of Adult Tissue Microenvironment
2017Jennifer Klomp Andrei KarginovDissecting the Role of c-Src in the Regulation of Adherens Junctions Using Engineered KinasesT32 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of North Carolina-Lineberger Cancer Center, Channing Der Lab
2017Russell SmithJohn O'BryanA Novel Affinity Reagent to RAS Perturbs Its Function in CellsIntramural Postdoctoral Fellow, National Cancer Institute, Deborah Morrison Lab
2017Pascal Yazbeck Dolly MehtaFocal Adhesion Kinase, Maintenance of Sphingosine 1 Phosphate Receptor 1 Expression and Barrier FunctionPostdoctoral Research Associate, Harvard Medical School, Tanya Mayadas Lab
2016Zheng Xu  Xiaoping DuIntegrin Alphallbbeta3-dependent Reactive Oxygen Species Production in Platelets
2016Brian EstevezXiaoping DuSignaling Mechanisms of the Glycoprotein Ib-IX-V Complex and Role of LIm Kinase 1 in Platelet Activation Postdoctoral Fellow, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Mory Poncz Lab
2016Justin R Sysol Roberto MachadoRole of the SphK1/S1P Signaling Axis in the Pathogenesis of Pulmonary Arterial HypertensionMSTP Student at UIC
2016Venkateswaran Ramamoorthi ElangovanJoe GarciaGenetic and Epigenetic Regulation of NAMPT/PBEF Expression in Human Lung Endothelium
2016Andrew BaraziaJaehyung "Gus" ChoRole of DREAM in Neutrophil Function and Platelet-Neutrophil Interactions in Thrombo-Inflammatory DiseaseApplications Scientist at Intelligent Imaging Innovations, Denver, CO