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Principal Investigator Heading link

Research Interests Heading link

  • Vascular Biology
  • Cell Receptors & Signaling

Richard Minshall is an established principal investigator with over 23 years of service and continuous NIH funding, 186 primary publications, 10 book chapters, and 2 patents. He completed PhD training in Pharmacology with Prof. Ervin G. Erdös on mechanisms of ACE inhibitor-dependent potentiation of BK B2 receptor signaling. Rich then conducted 2 postdoctoral translational research fellowships focused on hormone replacement therapy and coronary artery reactivity in “postmenopausal” nonhuman primates, and pathophysiological endothelial cell signaling mechanisms that contribute to acute lung injury and pulmonary vascular remodeling. His current research program at UIC is funded to 1) determine the caveolin-1 dependent mechanisms that regulate TGF, activin and BMP signaling in ECs, fibroblasts, and smooth muscle cells that promote pulmonary hypertension (R01 HL142636); 2) to understand the role of caveolin-1 dependent regulation of CD36 in dyslipidemia, disturbed flow, and aging-induced endothelial cell stiffening associated with atherosclerosis (R01 HL083298 and R56 AG082099; Levitan, Minshall (MPI); 3) define the role of upregulated CCL28 chemokine and its activation of CCR10 receptor signaling in endothelial dysfunction associated with obesity-induced type 2 diabetes mellitus, and to develop a therapeutic approach for restoring NO bioavailability, insulin sensitivity, and wound healing in diabetics (CCTS Pilot Program; Koh, Minshall, Wu (MPI); R01 HL161386 (Mohamed (PI), Minshall (Co-I); and 4) to develop our novel peptide nanoformulation and small molecule mimetics that inhibit Gα12 / αSNAP-dependent vWF secretion for prevention of microvascular thrombosis in various inflammatory disease states such as obesity/type 2 diabetes, sepsis/COVID-19, and cancer or cancer treatments (Chicago Biomedical Consortium, Accelerator Award; Minshall, Bloem).

The overarching goal of Dr. Minshall’s research program has been to understand the cellular signaling mechanisms that regulate vascular homeostasis, and how disruption of “normal” contributes to cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and pulmonary vascular disease. Their research efforts are leading to novel insights into the pathophysiological protein-protein interactions that give rise to increased permeability, microvascular thrombosis, and vascular remodeling which they are trying to target therapeutically. As a faculty member jointly appointed in the departments of Anesthesiology and of Pharmacology and Regenerative Medicine, he looks to create and maintain innovative approaches for conducting cutting-edge multidisciplinary research and training of high school, undergraduate, graduate, and medical students, as well as postdoctoral fellows, residents, and junior faculty, that ensure all have the opportunity to grow, succeed, and make the next big breakthrough. As a campus leader, Rich plays an instrumental role in mentoring junior faculty, facilitating team science, and establishing research priorities.

Current Lab Members Heading link

Maricela Castellon, PhD

Lab Manager

Samuel Lee, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow and CVR Core Sr Research Assoc

Luiza Rusu, MD, PhD

VBST T32 Postdoctoral Fellow

Alyssa Poentis, BS

M2 Medical Student

Sami Muslmani, BS

MSTP Student

Kayla Yerlioglu, BS

Postbac/PreMed Scholar

Yasmina Eshac

Honors College Scholar

Amro Mostafa

Honors College Scholar

Roberta Luniute

Honors College Scholar

Jaden Blankenship

Illinois Math and Science Academic Scholar

Students Heading link