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Research Awards

The research awards highlight the department's commitment to fostering innovative and impactful research while recognizing the achievements and contributions of its faculty and staff.

  • UIC's 2022 Distinguished Professor - Yulia Komarova
    UIC faculty members who have demonstrated outstanding achievements in their respective fields of expertise (Basic Life Sciences)
  • Allen Distinguished Investigator Award - Gary Mo
    Precision live single cell nano-surgery platform for revealing proteome dynamics
  • NSF Career Award - Jae-Won Shin
    Engineering instructive niches to precisely guide single stem cells
  • Solbert Permutt Trailblazer Award in Pulmonary Physiology and Medicine - Asrar Malik
    Professor with recognized and distinguished achievement as a clinical investigator, translational scientist and clinician-educator in the field of pulmonary physiology or pulmonary medicine.
  • UIC's 2021 Distinguished Professor - Xiaoping Du
    In recognition of significant impact in the field through scholarship, creativity, and leadership.