Professional Development at SAIL

Professional Development workshops, fellowships and consultations for health professions faculty
Professional Development Options Heading link
Options include:
- Mannequin scenario-writing workshop
- Debriefing workshop
- Short-term faculty fellowship programs
- Emergency Medicine Simulation and Medical Education Fellowship Program
- Off-site consultations
Ongoing Workshops at UIC Heading link
Mannequin scenario-writing workshop
A four-hour workshop on developing effective scenarios for mannequin-based simulation programs, using a standard template.
Debriefing workshop
In this three-hour workshop, participants acquire an understanding of how to, effectively, facilitate a mannequin-based simulation program debriefing. This interactive workshop provides many opportunities to practice the skills discussed during the session.
For more information, the schedule of upcoming workshops or to register for a workshop, please contact Robert Kiser
Additional Workshop/Consultation Topics Heading link
Consultations and workshops are available in a wide variety of topics related to simulation-based education and research, such as:
- Certificate Program in Standardized-Patient-Based Education
- Maximizing the validity of standardized-patient-based performance assessments
- Establishing defensible passing standards for performance examinations
- How to teach and assess the hypothesis-driven physical examination
- Using standardized patients and simulations to assess clinical skills
- Using standardized patients to teach and assess residents’ communication skills
- Using standardized students to improve faculty teaching skills
- Acting skills for standardized patients
- Training standardized patients to give effective feedback
- Using unannounced standardized patients for research and quality improvement
- Leadership and management of a simulation center