Memoona Hasnain, MD, MHPE, PhD
Department of Family and Community Medicine
Dr. Hasnain is a tenured Professor and Associate Department Head, Faculty Development & Research in the Department of Family Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine. The primary focus of Dr. Hasnain's work is at the intersection of medicine and public health, with an emphasis on interprofessional education, service and research. Dr. Hasnain has a special interest in humanism, empathy and social justice as core values in the teaching and practice of medicine. Addressing the social dimension of health and the gaps in health systems and policies that disadvantage vulnerable groups remain a unifying theme in her work. Dr. Hasnain is the principal architect of several educational innovations at UIC. Her work has been consistently externally funded and published in peer reviewed journals. She is a reviewer for federal grants and several scientific journals. Dr. Hasnain has received numerous accolades for her research and teaching. Over her professional trajectory, Dr. Hasnain has demonstrated unwavering commitment to the education and advancement of health professions and has also recognized the unique opportunity to conduct inquiry in populations that traditionally have not been given a great voice in their care.
Other Affiliations
- Chair, Research Committee; Member, Board of Directors, South Asian Public Health Association
- Founding Member, Sex and gender Women’s Health Collaborative
- Member, Women’s Health Committee, American Medical Women’s Association
- Chair, Group on Faculty Development, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine, 2013-2014
- Faculty Advisor, Gold Humanism Honor Society UI COM
- Founding Faculty Advisor, Medical Student Wellness Committee, UI COM
- Recognized by Housing Opportunities & Maintenance for the Elderly for foundational role and continuing efforts to establish and sustain campus-community partnerships for educating health professionals, 2016
- Departmental Faculty of the Year Award, University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, in recognition of outstanding faculty contributions to the Department of Family Medicine, 2015
- Susan La Flesche Picotte, MD Health Equity Pioneer Award, University of Illinois at Chicago. This award recognizes the achievements of outstanding individuals who have dedicated their lives to improving the health of vulnerable populations, 2015
- Humanism in Medicine, Chicago Medical Student Council, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2014
- Macy Faculty Scholar , Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation. This award is given to select faculty nationally to accelerate needed reforms in health professions education to accommodate the dramatic changes occurring in medical practice and health care delivery, 2013
- Health Policy and Administration Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award, School of Public Health, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2013
- First Place Award – Community & Public Health Research, Women’s Health 2012: The 20th Annual Congress, Office of Research on Women’s Health, National Institutes of Health, 2012
- Teaching Recognition Award, Council for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, University of Illinois at Chicago. This award honors top faculty across all university departments and divisions, 2011
- Outstanding Teaching and Mentoring Recognition Award, Essentials of Clinical Medicine Course for 2nd year medical students, College of Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2004, 2005 2008, 2009
- Alan W. Donaldson Memorial Award, highest award for academic excellence, outstanding leadership and community service awarded to one graduating student annually, School of Public Health, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2002
Selected Publications
Hasnain, M., Gruss, V., Keehn, M., Peterson, E., Valenta, A., Kottorp, A. Development and validation of a tool to assess self-efficacy for competence in interprofessional collaborative practice. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2017 Jan 27:1-8. doi: 10.1080/13561820.2016.1249789. [Epub ahead of print]
Hasnain, M., Parikh, P., Nagaraj, N.C. (Eds). The Health of South Asians in the United States: An Evidence-based Guide for Policy and Program Development. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, London and New York. 2017. Print and eBook.
Larson, P.R., Chege, P., Dahlman, B., Gibson, C., Evensen, A., Colon-Gonzalez, M., Onguka, S., Lamptey, R., Cayley, W.E., Nguyen, B., Johnson, B., Getnet, S., Hasnain, M. Current status of Family Medicine faculty development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Family Medicine. 49(3):193-202.
Larson, P.R., Chege, P., Dahlman, B., Gibson, C., Evensen, A., Colon-Gonzalez, M., Onguka, S., Lamptey, R., Cayley, W.E., Nguyen, B., Johnson, B., Getnet, S., Hasnain, M. Future of Family Medicine faculty development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Family Medicine. 2017;49(3):203-210.
Dykens, J.A., Linn, A., Irwin, T., Peters, K., Pyra, M., Traore, F., Diarra, M.T., Hasnain, M., Wallner, K., Linn, P., Ndiaye, Y. Implementing visual cervical cancer screening in Senegal: A cross sectional study of risk factors and prevalence highlighting service utilization barriers. International Journal of Women’s Health. Jan 27, 2017: 59-67.
McGregor, A., Hasnain, M., Sandberg, K., Morrison, M., Berlin, M. Trott, J. How to study the impact of sex and gender in medical research: a review of resources. Biology of Sex Differences. Special Supplement on Sex and Gender in Medical Education. 7:46. DOI 10.1186/s13293-016-0099-1.
Larson, P.R., Chege, P., Dahlman, B., Gibson, C., Evensen, A., Colon-Gonzalez, M., Onguka, S., Lamptey, R., Cayley, W.E., Nguyen, B., Johnson, B., Getnet, S., Hasnain, M. Future of Family Medicine faculty development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Family Medicine. [In Press]
Raja, S., Hasnain, M., Hoersch M., Gove-Yin., S., Rajagopan, C. Trauma Informed Care in medicine: Current knowledge and future directions. Journal of Family and Community Health. 2015 July-September;38:216-26.
Hasnain, M., Massengle, L. Dykens, A.J., Figueroa, E.M. Health disparities training in residency programs in the United States. Family Medicine. 2014;46:186-91.
Hasnain, M., Menon, U., Szalacha, L., Ferrans, C.E. Breast cancer screening practices among first-generation immigrant Muslim women. Journal of Women’s Health . 2014 Jul;23:602-12. doi: 10.1089/jwh.2013.4569. Epub 2014 May 27.
Hasnain, M., Schwartz, A.J., Girotti, J., Bixby, A., Rivera, L and the UIC Experiences of Care Project Group. Differences in patient-reported experiences of care based on race and acculturation. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 2013 Jun;15:517-24. doi:10.1007/s10903-012-9728-x.
Hasnain, M., Koronkowski, M.J., Kondratowicz, D.M., Goliak, K.L. Training future health providers to care for the underserved: a pilot interprofessional experience. Education for Health. 2012 Dec; 25:204-7.
Hasnain, M., Connell, K.J., Menon, U., Tranmer, P.A. Patient-centered health care for Muslim women: provider and patient perspectives. Journal of Women’s Health. 2011 Jan;20:73-83.
Hasnain, M., Mensah, E.K., Levy, J.A., Sinacore, J.M. Association of educational attainment with HIV risk in African American active injection drug users. AIDS Care. 2007;19:87-91.
Schwartz, A., Hasnain, M., Eiser, A.R., Lincoln, E., Elstein, A.S. Patient-physician fit: an exploratory study of a multidimensional instrument. Medical Decision Making. 2006 Mar-Apr;26:122-33.
Hasnain, M. Cultural approach to HIV/AIDS harm reduction in Muslim countries. Harm Reduction Journal. 2005 Oct 27;2:23,1-8.
Hasnain, M., Connell, K.J., Downing, S.M., Olthoff, A., Yudkowsky, R. Toward meaningful evaluation of clinical competence: the role of direct observation in clerkship ratings. Academic Medicine. 2004 Oct;79:S21-S24.
Hasnain, M. Antenatal HIV screening and treatment in South Africa: social norms and policy options. African Journal of Reproductive Health. 2004;8:77-85.
Hasnain, M., Bordage, G., Connell, K.J., Sinacore, J.M. History-taking behaviors associated with diagnostic competence of clerks: an exploratory study. Academic Medicine. 2001:76:S14-S17.
Hasnain, M., Onishi, H., Elstein, A.S. Inter-rater reliability in judging errors in diagnostic reasoning. Medical Education. 2004 June;38:609-16.
Hometown: Karachi, Pakistan
Medical School: Dow Medical College, Karachi, Pakistan
Graduate School, Training, etc:
Ph.D. Public Health Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2001
M.H.P.E., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2000