Annette Valenta, DrPH
Professor Emerita
Patient Safety Leadership Program, Department of Medical Education
Research Areas
- Social and Organizational Issues Relating to Health Technology
- Role Information Systems Play in Patient Safety
Selected Publications
Moran, K. M., Harris, I. B., & Valenta, A. L. (2016). Competencies for patient safety and quality improvement: A synthesis of recommendations in influential position papers. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf, 42(4), 162-169.
Bullington, P., Pawola, L., Walker, R., Valenta, A., Briars, L., & John, E. (2007). Identification of medication non-adherence factors in adolescent transplant patients: The patient’s viewpoint. Pediatric Transplantation, 11(8), 914-921.
Valenta, A. L., Meagher, E. A., Tachinardi, U., & Starren, J. (2016). Core informatics competencies for clinical and translational scientists: What do our customers and collaborators need to know? JAMIA, 23(4), 835-839.
Valenta, A. L., Brooks, I., Laureto, R. A., & Ramaprasad, A. (2007). Breaking the silo: Using informatics to support clinical and translational science. J Healthc Inf Manag, 21(4), 15-17.