Research Resources
Explore our comprehensive list of resources and facilities
Lab Information Heading link
- BMG Shared Equipment
- Online Sign-up for qPCR machines: [BioRad Duet qPCR] [BioRad OPUS 384 qPCR] [QIAGEN digital PCR]
- Online Sign-up for microscopes: [Leica Dmi8] [Zeiss LSM700] [Zeiss LSM900]
- Online Sing-up for flow cytometer: [Beckman CytoFLEX S] [SONY cell sorter MA900]
- BMG Backup -80 Freezers
- Lab Equipment in Common Space
- BMG & MBRB Facility
- BMG Room Directory
- BMG Personnel List
Access to these google sheet lists requires logging in with your UIC ID and password. (You also need to create account in Google Workspace with UIC ID. If you have also previously set up other google accounts, you may need to manually switch to the account linked to UIC e-mail address.)
Reporting issues Heading link
- To report issues with BMG shared equipment, contact Bettina Moser at
- For problems related to BMG microscopes, reach out to Maria Paula Zappia at
- To report issues regarding BMG flow cytometers, contact Sojin Shikano at
- For computer and internet issues, create a ticket with Basic Sciences IT Support.
- For MBRB building-related issues, contact both Mark Montalto (E-mail: / TEL: 312-355-4959 / Room 1024) and Jessica Gallo (E-mail:
- For Facilities Management at UIC:
- Emergency: Call 312-996-7511
- Non-emergency: Submit requests through FMWeb (Online Service Request)
Room Scheduling Heading link
Scheduling for MBRB Auditorium (Room 1017), Conference Room 1152 and Class Room 1009 is done Via Astra Portal.
Note: Reservations are done via campus computer. Click sign-in on the top right corner and once logged in click “Calendars” on top left side and choose “Scheduling Grids” and click “Calendar Search or the magnifying glass ” on the left side and scroll down to building and choose “Molecular Biology Research Building” and then choose “Room” and AND click search. The calendar for the room will be displayed.
Alternatively, view the room reservations instructions provided by Facility and Space Planning Team.
Reservation for Room 2027 (BMG Conference Room)
Current Schedule for Room 2027
- Request a room 2027 reservation by e-mailing &
- Please include the event name, date and time with your request. Also, specify if it is a recurring event.
Resources and Facilities Heading link
UIC Research Resources
- UIC Research Resources Center
- UIC iLab Core Information Page: iLab site is used to place RRC service requests. For further information, see “Get Started” page.
- RRC Cores
- Bioanalytics, Biophysics & Cytomics Division
- Biophysics Core (Center for Structural Biology Building) (iLab Info Page)
- Mass Spectrometry Core (MSB) (iLab Info Page)
- NMR Core (Center for Structural Biology Building) (iLab Info Page)
- High-Throughput Screening Core (MBRB) (iLab Info Page)
- Flow Cytometry Core (MSB) (iLab Info Page)
- Genome Research Division
- Genomics Research Core (CMWT) (iLab Info Page)
- Single Cell Sequencing Pilot (MBRB) (iLab Info Page)
- Research Informatics Core (MBRB) (iLab Info Page)
- Bioanalytics, Biophysics & Cytomics Division
- Scientific Imaging & Nanotechnology Division
- Electron Microscopy Core (SES, MSB) (iLab Info Page)
- Fluorescence Imaging Core (MSB) (iLab Info Page)
- Preclinical Imaging Core (NMRL) (iLab Info Page)
- Research Histology Core (MSB) (iLab Info Page)
- Research Tissue Imaging Core (COMRB) (iLab Info Page)
- Nanotechnology Core (ERF) (iLab Info Page)
- Cardiovascular Research Core (NMRL) (iLab Info Page)
- Research Support Division (iLab Info Page)
UIC Cancer Center Resources
- Cancer Center Shared Resources
- Cancer Bioinformatics Shared Resource (CBSR)
- Biostatistics Shared Resource Core (BSR)
- Cancer Genomics Shared Resource (CGSR)
- Data Integration Shared Resource (DISR)
- Flow Cytometry Shared Resource (FCSR)
- Translational Pathology Shared Resource (TPSR)
- Breast Cancer Working Group Tissue Microarray
UIC Center for Cardiovascular Research Core Resources
UIC Biologic Resources Laboratory (BRL)
Gnotobiotic Mouse Facility and CCTS
- Gnotobiotic Mouse Facility
- Support basic and translational research in microbiome at UIC. (MBRB)
- Center for Clinical and Translational Science
- Gnotobiotic Mouse Facility
Open to UIC Researchers
- Rush University Core Laboratories
- Rush Proteomics Research Core
- Rush Internal Medicine Drug Discovery and Imaging Core (Electron microscopy, high-content screening, confocal and live cell microscopy)
- Rush MicroCT and Histology Core
- Rush Biomarker Development Core
- Rush Flow Cytometry Core
- Rush miRNA Core
- Rush Biological Safety Laboratory Level 3 Containment Core
- Rush University Biorepository Core
- Rush Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Core
- Rush Genomics and Microbiome Core
Chicago Biomedical Consortium (CBC)
- Chicago Biomedical Consortium (CBC)
- Core Facilities Directory (Northwestern,UChicago,UIC) With the help of the CBC, investigators can use core facilities at all three CBC universities at “in house” costs.
- Accelerator Award
- Catalyst Award
- Entrepreneurial Fellows
- Community, Biotech & Entrepreneurship
- Opportunities
Information Tehnology at UIC
- Information Tehnology at UIC
- COM Website Assistance (Need to log-in with NetID)
- UIC RED home page
- IT Support (Report IT Problems.)
- College & Unit IT Departments
- ACER (Research Computing)
- Software & Licensing
- Software WebStore
- File Storage and Sharing [UIC Box] [Google Drive] [Microsoft OneDrive]
Center for the Advancement of Teaching Excellence (CATE)
[CATE Main Page] [Get Support.] [Ed Tech]
The Center for the Advancement of Teaching Excellence (CATE) provides a virtual and in-person space where all those in the UIC community with responsibilities in teaching, including current and future faculty, graduate student teaching assistants, and instructors across a range of undergraduate, graduate, and professional school courses, can find supportive teaching and technology resources and professional learning programs
Useful UIC Links
- Office of Business and Financial Servies (OBFS)
- Business & Finance Applications
- iBuy (online purchasing)
- Chrome River
- Travel
- Equipment Management
- FABweb/Biennial Inventory
- Astra Schedule (Room Reservation)
- UIC Blackboard
- UIC College of Medicine
- Office of Faculty Affairs
- Faculty Appt., Promotion & Tenure
- COM Faculty Development
- GEMS (PhD Program)
- MSTP (MD/PhD Program)
- COM Research Forum
- Anatomy and Cell Biology
- Bioengineering
- Microbiology and Immunology
- Pharmacology and Regen. Med.
- Physiology and Biophysics
- UIC Cancer Center
- Clinical and Translational Science
- Cardiovascular Research
- Alcohol Research
- Eye Research
- Other UIC Departments with Life Science Research Topics
- Office of Business and Financial Servies (OBFS)