Almudena Veiga-Lopez, DVM, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Pathology
Director, UIC Reproductive and Development Research Program
BIRCWH Mentor, Internal Advisory Board
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Dr. Almudena Veiga-Lopez is the Associate Professor in the Department of Pathology in the UIC College of Medicine. Dr. Veiga-Lopez’s leads an NIH-funded vibrant research program focused on the molecular and cellular basis of environmental exposures. The primary focus of the laboratory is to understand the impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals on placental function and the contribution toward the etiology of chronic metabolic diseases. Another line of research focuses on the effects of obesogenic chemicals present in western diet on cholesterol trafficking and steroidogenesis within the ovary. Her work uses a variety of approaches including animal models, in vitro studies of toxicity, and 3-dimensional microfluidic platforms. Since opening her laboratory in 2014, she has trained 2 PhD students, 2 postdoctoral fellows and one perinatology fellow. Four of them have continued pursuing academic careers as postdoctoral fellows or academic faculty and one is currently appointed at the U.S. Food Drug Administration. Dr. Veiga-Lopez has published over 80 peer-reviewed publications in the fields of reproductive pathophysiology, polycystic ovarian syndrome, developmental origins of health and disease, and toxicology. She currently serves in the editorial board of Toxicological Sciences and regularly serves ad hoc at study sections of NIH (NIGMS, NICHD, and NIEHS).