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Kate Craemer, MPH Presented Preliminary Results from the Maternal Health Emergency Department Toolkit pilot program

Maternal Health Emergency Department Toolkit

Rural facilities that no longer provide planned maternity care face challenges in providing safe, high-quality services to pregnant, birthing, and postpartum people who arrive needing care.

Katherine Craemer, MPH, presented the preliminary results from the Maternal Health Emergency Department Toolkit pilot program as part of the national “Rural Maternal Health Series: Obstetric Readiness in Rural Facilities Without Birth Units” hosted by the Rural Health Information Hub (RHIhub) at the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy on April 23rd, 2024.

The presentation demonstrated the potential for the Toolkit to support maternal health care at rural hospitals without obstetric units. Ms. Craemer provided an overview of the Toolkit content, preliminary findings from electronic medical record (EMR) data analysis, and a summary of the common implementation challenges. Ms. Craemer is a Senior Research Specialist at the University of Illinois Chicago’s Center for Research on Women and Gender.

This webinar also included presentations from the following professionals:

  • Dr. Lisa Hollier, Senior Medical Advisor on the Maternal Mortality Prevention Team in the Division of Reproductive Health, CDC
  • Christie Allen, Senior Director, Quality Improvement and Programs, ACOG
  • CDR Tina Pattara-Lau, M.D., FACOG, Maternal and Child Health Consultant, Office of Clinical and Preventive Services (OCPS), Indian Health Service (IHS)