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Longitudinal Clinical Courses (LCC)

MSTP students in the graduate phase are encouraged to have 2 clinical experiences per semester lasting a minimum of 3-4 hours in length or one-half of an outpatient clinic day.

In the first years (G1-G2), students have an opportunity to work in a Family Medicine clinic, Internal Medicine clinic, or Internal Medicine inpatient service, actively engaging in the care of their patients by assisting their respective clinical preceptors in the management of selected patients through patient interviews, physical exams, and presenting patients to the team or attending.

In the later years of the graduate program (G3-G5), students will connect with faculty in a clinical specialty of the student’s interest and work with them longitudinally.

Students in all years of the graduate program will be expected to attend lunchtime conferences covering clinical presentations, note writing, and working in the electronic medical record (Epic) system. These conferences also include presentations on cases seen by graduate students in this program with relevant clinical medicine and research topics highlighted.

Students will be required to schedule time or sign-up in advance, depending on the clinical activity, and to complete a log that will allow the clinical time to be tracked.

Faculty Leads Heading link

Course Administrator Heading link