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Staff Development

UI COM encourages every employee to enthusiastically pursue professional learning and career development opportunities.

Campus and System Opportunities Heading link

There are an extensive and diverse range of resources available to our staff to support their professional development and job skill training needs. The staff committee on professional and leadership development (PROLEAD), has developed a spreadsheet tool to summarize and help you sort through opportunities! Training and development opportunities are also broken down in the Employee Resource Guide.

College of Medicine Opportunities Heading link

Join the efforts to enhance staff professional development, engagement, and wellness by joining one of the Staff Development Subcommittees. Members of these committees help review and establish best practices and draft implementable action plans for recommendations to COM Leadership to review. Members also participate in event planning and/or program creation. Members will attend virtual monthly meetings and dedicate a small amount of time towards these College-wide efforts.

  • PROLEAD (Staff Professional & Leadership Development) Committee is dedicated to enhancing professional growth and leadership development through the creation of a learning and growth culture that provides resources and support to help employees excel in their roles and advance in their careers.
  • SEW (Staff Engagement and Wellness) Committee is dedicated to enhancing staff recognition and promoting a culture that addresses and supports employee well-being.

Staff interested in joining a committee should have held their current position for at least six months and have the buy-in of their supervisor to participate. Please email Mickeisha Armstrong ( for more information.