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Focusing on advanced MRI techniques, innovative biological models, and novel therapeutic interventions, the mission of the University of Illinois at Chicago Department of Radiology is to support a culture of cutting-edge biomedical imaging research in an effort to advance medical care locally, regionally, and nationally. Leveraging our state-of-the-art imaging capabilities, modern laboratory and animal facilities, and multidisciplinary cross-functional team of investigators, the Department of Radiology has a solid track record for extramural funding, academic productivity, and mentorship, and offers an enriching scholarship environment for both faculty and trainees.

Research Faculty Heading link

Research Associates and Personal Heading link

Post-Doctoral Associates

Lobna Elkhadragy Ph.D.
Mehran Shaghaghi Ph.D.

Research Associates

Maximillian Carlino M.S.
Shovick Patel B.S.
William M. Totura B.S.

Graduate Students

Alessandro M. Scotti – Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering
Russell O. Simpson – M.S., Clinical and Translational Science
Yifan Wang – M.S., Clinical and Translational Science

Research Staff

Regina Schwind B.S., Research Specialist
Leticia Flores, Grants and Contracts Coordinator

Research Infrastructure Heading link

  • Westside Research Office Building Academic Offices
    The Radiology research team has administrative office and conference space in the state-of-the-art, recently renovated Westside Research Office Building, which lies in close proximity to the University of Illinois Hospital.
  • Incubator Laboratory Facility Basic Research Lab
    The Department of Radiology wet lab research space consists of an approximately 2,000 square foot, recently renovated and fully equipped cellular and molecular biology lab. Relevant equipment includes cell culture facilities with laminar flow hoods, carbon dioxide incubators, water baths, fume hoods, PCR thermocyclers, gel electrophoresis equipment, UV transilluminator with camera, centrifuges, vacufuge, vortexes, low temperature freezers, refrigerators, liquid nitrogen storage facilities, and other essential devices.
  • 3T Dedicated Research Center

Grant Support Heading link

The Department of Radiology has a solid track record for extramural funding, with current support by the United States National Institutes of Health (National Cancer Institute and National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering), United States Department of Defense, and medical industry.

For more information, search for individual Department of Radiology research faculty at the NIH website.

Clinical Trials Heading link

TIPS plus Transvenous Obliteration for Gastric Varices

This single center prospective pilot study aims to assess the effectiveness and safety of combined TIPS creation
plus transvenous obliteration for the treatment of gastric varices.

Academic Development and Support Heading link

  • Faculty seminars :Scheduled monthly seminars include Ground Rounds, “Works in Progress” talks, resident scholarship series lectures, and the resident annual presentation forum.
  • Academic development conference: Held quarterly, this interactive conference aims to advance faculty affairs through cooperative review of grants, manuscripts, IRB submissions, data and statistics, journal articles, promotion and tenure guidelines, and other scholarship topics
  • Academic meeting support: The Department of Radiology supports national academic meeting and conference presentation by Departmental faculty members, trainees, and medical students involved in research and scholarly activities.
  • Statistical services support: The Department of Radiology supports statistical research consultation and service through the University of Illinois at Chicago Center for Clinical and Translational Science
  • Intramural faculty funding opportunities