Audrey Stillerman, MD
Clinical Associate Professor
Medical Director--Mile Square School Health Centers; Associate Director of Medical Affairs—Office of Community Engagement and Neighborhood Health Partnerships
Department of Family and Community Medicine
Pronouns: she/her
Board-certified in family medicine and integrative medicine, Audrey Stillerman also has additional training in Family Therapy and trauma theory and practice. Since 1991, she has provided holistic life course care in public and private settings while teaching health professional trainees and advocating for equity. Co-founder of the Center for Collaborative Study of Trauma, Health Equity, and Neurobiology, Dr Stillerman’s areas of focus in research, education, and practice is the science of trauma and healing. She is the proud mother of two beloved daughters.
Clinic Location: Mile Square School Health Centers
Clinical Interests:
- Integrative Medicine
- Life course care
- School Health
- Trauma specific treatments
Selected Grants:
MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy to Support Trauma Processing: A Novel Approach to Improve Multiple Outcomes in Patients with HIV (DFCM Research Development Award) (CDPH)
2023 Primary Care Training Expansion Supplemental Award on Eating Disorders (HRSA)
Trauma-Informed Centers of Care (CDPH)
Trauma-informed Psychosocial Service Provision in School Health Centers (SAMHSA)
School Health Center Operations Grant (IDPH)
Selected Publications
Berman S, Taylor B, Mizelle C, Diep T, Potter L, Trennepohl C, Gerber M, Jelley M, Rush P, Sciolla A, Stillerman A, Weil, Amy, Potter J. Roadmap for Trauma-Informed Medical Education: Introducing an Essential Competency Set. Acad. Med. 98(8):p 882-888, August 2023. | DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000005196
Koo A, Irwin J, Sturgis M, Schwartz A, Hasnain M, Davis E, Stillerman A. Is Academic Medicine Prepared to Teach About the Intersection of Childhood Experiences and Health? An Exploratory Survey of Faculty. J Contin Educ Health Prof. 2023 Oct 1;43(4):225-233. doi: 10.1097/CEH.0000000000000489. Epub 2023 Mar 7. PMID: 36877822.
Sherin KM*, Stillerman A, Chandrasekar L, Went N, Niebuhr DW. Recommendations for Population-Based Applications of the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study: Position Statement by the American College of Preventive Medicine. AJPM Focus. Dec 2022.
Stillerman A, Altman L, Peña G, Cua G, Goben A, Walden AL, Atkins MS. Advancing Trauma-Informed Care in Hospitals: The Time Is Now. Perm J. 2022 Nov 25:1-5. doi: 10.7812/TPP/22.081. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36428252.
Hurley L, Stillerman A, Feinglass J, Percheski C. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) among Young Adult Women: Findings from the 2019 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Women’s Health Issues. e-pub ahead of print Apr 2022.
Korpics J, Altman L, Feinglass J, Stillerman A. Prevalence and Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Health and Well-Being in Chicago Public High School Students. Journal of School Health. E-pub available July 2021. Print October 2021.
Stillerman A. Childhood Adversity and Lifelong Health: from Research to Action. J Fam Pract. 2018 Nov;67(11):690-699.
Stillerman, A. Failure to Thrive in a 10-Year-Old Girl, The Journal of Family Practice. 1992; 35(3):315-24.
Notable Honors
2023, Linda K. Gunzberger Scholarship Award, UIC Department of Family and Community Medicine
2020, Keynote Speaker, Pediatric and Primary Care Behavioral Health Symposium, Sanford Health, Fargo, North Dakota
2020, Marquis Who’s Who Illinois Family Doctors, AW Health Care
2019, May 2019 Featured Researcher, UIC Office of Community Engagement and Neighborhood Health Partnerships Healthy Cities Collaborative
2019, 50 Notable Women in Health Care., Crain’s Chicago Business
2017, Research Innovation Award, Integrative Medicine for the Underserved Annual Conference
2017, Physician of the Year Award Nominee, UI Health and Hospital Systems
2016, Community Spirit Award, Chicago Department of Public Health’s Safe Start Collaborative
UIC Institute for Juvenile Research Family Therapy Externship
Cook County Hospital Family Medicine Residency
Cook County Hospital Transitional Internship
University of Illinois College of Medicine
Cornell University
Licensures and Certifications
Illinois Medical Licensure
American Board of Family Medicine
American Board of Integrative Medicine
American Board of Integrative and Holistic Medicine
Professional Memberships
- National Collaborative on Trauma-informed Healthcare Education and Research
- Integrative Medicine for the Underserved
- Neurosequential Network
- American Academy of Family Practice
Selected Presentations
Stillerman A. Childhood Experiences and Lifelong Health: Applying the Science to Clinical Care. Grand Rounds. UIC Department of Family and Community Medicine. April 2023.
Stillerman A. Introducing the American College of Preventive Medicine's Recommendations on Population-Based Applications of the ACE Study. ACEs Update: Screening, Case Finding, and Sensitive Inquiry. Academy on Violence and Abuse Preconference at the International Child Maltreatment Conference. San Diego. January 2023.
Stillerman A. The Impact of Childhood Experiences on Health:
Lessons for our Work, Illinois Women and Families Conference. November 2022.
Stillerman A. Establishing Trauma-informed Care as the Standard of Care: A Science-Based Approach. AMA Student Section. June 2022.
Stillerman A, Rush P, Williams L. Understanding and Applying the Science at the Intersection of Racism, Trauma and Health Disparities. 2021 National Collaborative for Education to Address the Social Determinants of Health (NCEAS) Annual Conference, Education in Action: Teaching Anti-Racism to Today’s Learners. February 2021
Stillerman A. Childhood Adversity: Exploring the Roots of Chronic Pain and Addiction: Towards Effective Prevention and Treatment. Osteopathic Medical Education (OMED) 2020 Conference. October 2020
Stillerman A. The Dramatic Impact of Childhood Experiences on Health Across the Lifespan: from Research to Action. Visiting Scholar Series. Pennsylvania State University. Hershey. Pennsylvania. 2019
Research Currently in Progress
Trauma and Healing in Medical education and Clinical practice
Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy
Integrative Medicine in Primary Care