Memoona Hasnain, MD, MHPE, PhD
Associate Head for Faculty Development & Research
Department of Family and Community Medicine
Dr. Hasnain is a tenured Professor and Associate Department Head for Faculty Development and Research in the Department of Family and Community Medicine, and the Founding Associate Dean for Faculty Development in the College of Medicine, University of Illinois Chicago. She holds adjunct faculty appointments in the UIC School of Public Health, Department of Medical Education, and College of Nursing, and is an Honors College Faculty. Dr. Hasnain is an internationally recognized expert on innovative health professions education, faculty development, diversity, equity, inclusion, and health disparities. The primary focus of her work is at the intersection of medicine and public health, emphasizing “building people” and advancing health equity by addressing social determinants of health and embedding social justice, humanism, and empathy as core values in training and practice. Dr. Hasnain’s career spans 30+ years and has been devoted to developing, implementing, and strengthening transformative educational programs and leading collaborative, synergistic teams. She is the principal architect of several educational innovations, including UIC College of Medicine’s longitudinal Patient-centered Medicine Scholars Program. Learn more here.
Clinical Interests: Women’s health, primary care geriatrics
Research Interests: Dr. Hasnain’s research interests span two interlinked areas that converge on building a more kind, compassionate, just, and equitable world: 1) Addressing health disparities, with a special interest in health equity, social justice, social determinants of health, women’s health and quality care issues for understudied and at-risk populations; and, 2) Development and evaluation of educational interventions that promote humanism, leadership and scholarship and ensure that current and future health care professionals can effectively address social justice, health equity and health disparities issues.
Other Affiliations
- Chair, Research Committee; Member, Board of Directors, South Asian Public Health Association
- Founding Member, Sex and gender Women’s Health Collaborative
- Member, Women’s Health Committee, American Medical Women’s Association
- Chair, Group on Faculty Development, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine, 2013-2014
- Faculty Advisor, Gold Humanism Honor Society UI COM
- Founding Faculty Advisor, Medical Student Wellness Committee, UI COM
- Recognized by Housing Opportunities & Maintenance for the Elderly for foundational role and continuing efforts to establish and sustain campus-community partnerships for educating health professionals, 2016
- Departmental Faculty of the Year Award, University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, in recognition of outstanding faculty contributions to the Department of Family Medicine, 2015
- Susan La Flesche Picotte, MD Health Equity Pioneer Award, University of Illinois at Chicago. This award recognizes the achievements of outstanding individuals who have dedicated their lives to improving the health of vulnerable populations, 2015
- Humanism in Medicine, Chicago Medical Student Council, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2014
- Macy Faculty Scholar , Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation. This award is given to select faculty nationally to accelerate needed reforms in health professions education to accommodate the dramatic changes occurring in medical practice and health care delivery, 2013
- Health Policy and Administration Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award, School of Public Health, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2013
- First Place Award – Community & Public Health Research, Women’s Health 2012: The 20th Annual Congress, Office of Research on Women’s Health, National Institutes of Health, 2012
- Teaching Recognition Award, Council for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, University of Illinois at Chicago. This award honors top faculty across all university departments and divisions, 2011
- Outstanding Teaching and Mentoring Recognition Award, Essentials of Clinical Medicine Course for 2nd year medical students, College of Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2004, 2005 2008, 2009
- Alan W. Donaldson Memorial Award, highest award for academic excellence, outstanding leadership and community service awarded to one graduating student annually, School of Public Health, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2002
Selected Grants
ENGAGE-IL 2.0 - Building Age-Friendly Health Systems & Workforce, Health Resources and Services Administration, HRSA Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program, PI
Midwest Fellowship for Primary Care Champions (MFPCC), Primary Care Training and Enhancement: Training Primary Care Champions, Co-Investigator
Violence, Trauma, Toxic Stress, and Engagement in Preventive Healthcare: Creating Trauma-informed Healthcare in Urban Communities, University of Illinois at Chicago 2020 Creativity Grant, Raja & Hasnain – Co-PIs
Selected Publications
- Hasnain, M., Darcy-Mahoney, A. Let’s Not Reinvent the Wheel: Using Communities of Learning and Practice to Address SDOH and Advance Health Equity. Ann Fam Med. 2023 Feb;21(Suppl 2):S95-S99.
- Hasnain, M. Time for Restructuring Medical Education to Heal the Healers. The National Collaborative for Education to Address the Social Determinants of Health. December 21, 2020.
- Hasnain, M., Goss, E., Yepes-Rios, M., Hasti, S., Patel, P., Wennerstrom, A., Rich, M. 10 Tips for Dismantling Racism: A Roadmap for Ensuring Diversity, Equity and Inclusion across the Academic Continuum. SGIM Forum, October 2020.
- Hasnain, M., Parikh, P., Nagaraj, N.C. (Eds). The Health of South Asians in the United States: An Evidence-based Guide for Policy and Program Development. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, London and New York. 2017. Print and eBook.
- Hasnain, M., Gruss, V., Keehn, M., Peterson, E., Valenta, A., Kottorp, A. Development and validation of a tool to assess self-efficacy for competence in interprofessional collaborative practice. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2017 Mar;31(2):255-262. doi: 10.1080/13561820.2016.1249789. Epub 2017 Jan 27.
- Hasnain, M., Massengle, L. Dykens, A.J., Figueroa, E.M. Health disparities training in residency programs in the United States. Family Medicine. 2014;46(3):186-91.
- Hasnain, M., Menon, U., Szalacha, L., Ferrans, C.E. Breast cancer screening practices among first-generation immigrant Muslim women. Journal of Women’s Health (Larchmt). 2014 Jul;23(7):602-12. doi: 10.1089/jwh.2013.4569. Epub 2014 May 27.
- Hasnain, M., Schwartz, A.J., Girotti, J., Bixby, A., Rivera, L and the UIC Experiences of Care Project Group. Differences in patient-reported experiences of care based on race and acculturation. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 2013 Jun;15(3):517-24. doi:10.1007/s10903-012-9728-x.
- Hasnain, M. Cultural approach to HIV/AIDS harm reduction in Muslim countries. Harm Reduction Journal. 2005 Oct 27;2(1):23,1-8.
- Gruss V., Hasnain M. Online Accredited Learning in Interprofessional Geriatrics training modules for healthcare professionals. 27-module online training program with continuing education credits for health professionals from multiple professions, including Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Occupational Therapy, and Social Work. Available through website: https://engageil.com/
Notable Honors
2024, Interprofessional Teaching in Action Matters (I-TEAM) Award for the Scholars and Leaders in Interprofessional Geriatrics (SLIG) course, Interprofessional Teaching in Action Matters (I-TEAM)
2022, Award for Excellence in Teaching (AET), Award for Excellence in Teaching (AET)
2021, Interprofessional Teaching in Action Matters (I-TEAM), Interprofessional Teaching in Action Matters (I-TEAM)
2017, Delegate, Chicago-Shanghai Sister City Exchange, Delegate, Chicago-Shanghai Sister City Exchange
Ph.D. Public Health Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, 2001
M.H.P.E. (Master of Health Professions Education), University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, 2000
M.B.B.S. (Bachelor of Medicine & Surgery), Dow Medical College, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan, 1990
Licensures and Certifications
- Hedwig van Ameringen Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine® (ELAM) Fellowship, Drexel University, Philadelphia, 2021-2022
- Cognitively-based Compassion Training (CBCT)® Teacher Training Certification, Center for Contemplative Practices, Emory University, Atlanta, 2020-2021
- Career Advancement and Leadership Skills for Women in Healthcare, Harvard University Medical School, 2019
- Provost’s Faculty Administrator Leadership Program (FALP), University of Illinois at Chicago, 2017
- Leading Innovations in Health Care and Education, Harvard Macy Institute, Harvard University, 2015
- Systems Approach to Assessment in Health Professions Education, Harvard Macy Institute, Harvard University, 2015
- Program for Educators in Health Professions, Harvard Macy Institute, Harvard University, 2014
- Mediation Skills Training, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2012
- Healer’s Art Faculty Development Training, Institute for the Study of Health and Illness, California, 2009
Professional Memberships
- Co-Director, Community of Practice, National Collaborative for Education to Address the Social Determinants of Health (NCEAS), 2019-present
- President, Board of Directors, South Asian Public Health Association (SAPHA), 2018-2020
- Member, Medical Science Committee, Alzheimer’s Association, 2018-present
- Member, Advisory Panel, Trauma, Health Equity and Neurobiology (THEN) Center, 2017-present
- Chair, Group on Faculty Development, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine, 2013-2014
- Founding Member, Sex and Gender Women’s Health Collaborative (SGWHC), 2010-present
- Member, Women’s Health Committee, American Medical Women’s Association, 2008-present
- Member, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine, 2001- Present
Selected Presentations
- Gruss, V., Hasnain, M. (September, 2023) The Future of Aging: Utilizing Mobile Technology to Educate the Public about Alzheimer’s Disease. 4th Innovations and State of the Art in ALZHEIMER'S & DEMENTIA (ISAD) 2023 Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
- Hasnain M., Gruss, V. (March, 2023) Optimizing Care for Older Adults: Integrating SDoH in a Multifaceted Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program. National Collaborative to Address Social Determinants of Health (NCEAS) 2023 Annual Virtual Conference.
- Hasnain, M., Gruss, V. (April, 2022) Healing the Healers: Attaining the Quadruple Aim through Health Workforce Empowerment, Resilience and Compassion Training. Track 4: Provider Resilience and Telehealth. Bureau of Health Workforce (BHW) All Grantee and Stakeholder Virtual Meeting.
- Hasnain, M., Gruss, V. (February, 2021) Building the Geriatrics Health Workforce through Transformative Interprofessional Education. Second Annual Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) Education Conference, National Collaborative for Education to Address the Social Determinants of Health, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL.
- Hasnain, M., Gruss, V., Altfeld, S., Torres, G. (November, 2019) Improving Community Health and Transforming Health Disparities through Interprofessional Education and Community-based Participatory Research. American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting and Exposition – Creating the Healthiest Nation: For science. For action. For health. Philadelphia, PA.
- Hasnain, M., Gruss, V., Koronkowski, M. (May, 2019) Addressing Health Disparities through Interprofessional Education and Community-based Participatory Research. First Annual Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Education Conference, National Collaborative for Education to Address the Social Determinants of Health, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL.
- Jarrett, J.B., Antoun J., Hasnain, M. (November 2018) Entrustable Professional Activity Utilization for Assessment of Competence: A CERA Study of Family Medicine Residency Program Directors in the United States. North American primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) 46th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
- Hasnain, M., Singh, S., Yusuf, Y., Aziz, S., Rao, T. (November 2018) Successes and Challenges in Running a Volunteer Non-profit National Organization: Perspective from the South Asian Public Health Association. American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting and Exposition – Creating the Healthiest Nation, Health Equity Now. San Diego, CA.
- Hasnain, M., Parikh, P., Nagaraj, N.C. (November, 2017) Health of South Asians in the United States: Key Priorities for Education, Service, Research, Policy, Advocacy and Action. American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting and Exposition. Atlanta, GA.
- Gruss, V., Hasnain, M., Koronkowski, M.J., Baccellieri, A. (May, 2017) Transforming Healthcare with Mobile Devices: A “Dementia Guide” App for Persons with Dementia and Caregivers. American Geriatrics Society (AGS) Annual Scientific Meeting. San Antonio, TX.