Jeffrey A Loeb, MD, PhD
Professor and Head
Mentor, Clinical ADRD
Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation
Building & Room:
NPI 657N
Office Phone:
Dr. Loeb is the Head of Neurology at UIC. He is a practicing neurologist as well as a basic developmental neuroscientist with training in neuromuscular development. Combining human tissue functional genomic studies with an animal model, his research is aimed at finding overlapping drug targets that may have a greater chance of translating back to human therapeutics for epilepsy. In addition, he studies soluble forms of heparin-binding neuregulin forms. His group has developed a novel, targeted biopharmaceutical antagonist that will be brought to clinical trials. They have shown that this antagonist targets neuregulin signaling both in development in vivo as well as in a model of chronic pain after intrathecal injection. Dr. Loeb is the Director of the Repository Center at UIC.