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Photo of Lee, James C

James C Lee, PhD


Mentor, Biophysics, Bioinformatics and Computational Science

Department of Biomedical Engineering


Building & Room:

COMRB 1117

Office Phone:



The mission of the Lee lab research program is to apply biophysical engineering principles and techniques to investigate the roles of membrane and cell mechanics in the pathology of Alzheimer's disease (AD) including oxidative stress, inflammation, amyloid-β clearance, amyloidogenesis, and alterations in blood brain barrier. Specifically, Lee focuses on mechanical properties (nN to pN scale), molecular packing and molecular organization (~nm) of membranes, cytoskeleton and their components in neuronal and microvascular cells in the central nervous system. Various nano-mechanical characterizations, microscopic and spectroscopic, photonic, cell manipulation techniques, including atomic force microscopy, micropipette cell manipulation and aspiration, beam splitter, and laser are employed in both his basic biomedical and clinical research projects.