Student Life

The College of Medicine in Chicago stands out for its dedication to serving a diverse and underserved patient population in the University Medical District, including the University of Illinois Hospital and affiliated clinics throughout the city. Our location maintains close proximity to downtown Chicago and the vibrant, unique neighborhoods like Little Italy and Humboldt Park, which contribute distinct character to city life.
As a result, we attract a diverse and compassionate group of students with a broad range of experiences and interests, fostering a rich and inclusive campus culture.
Academic Support Heading link

Get Tech Support Heading link
College of Medicine Informational Resources (COMIR) provides helpdesk and desktop support to the whole college, including students, residents and fellows. Submit a help request ticket or learn more about all that they do.
Scheduling, Records and Forms Heading link
Resources For Your Basic Needs Heading link

UI COM Offers Support of All Kinds Heading link
The Office of Student Affairs is dedicated to the academic success and holistic development of our students.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Heading link
The College of Medicine considers DEI to be of the utmost importance. Learn more about initiatives and programs related to this topic on the main college website.
CMSC Student Events Heading link
Events hosted by the Chicago Medical Student Council (CMSC), Student Curricular Board (SCB), and other student organization events can be found below. Editing access for student groups can be requested on this form.