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The Department of Physiology and Biophysics offers a masters program and a doctoral program.
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Info for New Students Heading link
Each new student will have a preliminary meeting with the First-Year Advisor during orientation. The First-Year Advisor is a member of the Graduate Education Committee and is appointed by the Head of the Graduate Education Committee. The responsibilities of the First-Year Advisor are to advise PhD and MD/PhD students in a given class entering each Fall with respect to registration, course requirements and rotations and to monitor student progress until they choose a Thesis Advisor.
Getting started with advising
Information packages are sent to students informing them about fall registration, and when instruction begins. Students also receive a copy of the department’s guidelines for the PhD or Master’s program. First year students are asked to contact the first year student advisor in the department for advising. The advisor and students discuss the academic background and goals of the students and the students are given a list of classes they need to register in for the fall semester.
After advising you may register for classes. Sometime after you receive your official admission letter from the Office of Admissions and Records you will receive, usually via email, information on when you may register and instructions, if not included with your admission letter.
When and how to register
Registration, including changes to any existing registration, begins a number of months before the term and continues through the first official ten days of the term (first official five days for summer session). During the registration period, all registration activity is done by the student using Student Self-Service, which may be accessed from UIC Web For Student.
What to do when you encounter a problem
When attempting to register, if you receive an error message about the class or section you are requesting, consult with the department offering the course as an override may need to be entered into the system to allow you to continue to register. Once the override has been added you still have to register for the course in Student Self-Service. If you receive an error message that you do not understand, consult the Registration Help Line.
Go to the myUIC portal for additional registration help.

More Information For New Students Heading link
The i-Card is the official identification card of the University for students, staff and faculty. It is important to obtain the i-Card and carry it with you at all times. The i-Card is needed to enter certain labs and buildings, for access to certain student-related events and services, and to check material out of the library. Once you have registered for a course you may obtain your i-Card. This should be done as soon as possible following your registration. You will need to bring a print-out of your registration and either a driver’s license, state ID card, or passport to the i-Card Office. Complete information, including locations, is available from the i-Card Office.
Medical immunization requirements
Illinois state law requires proof of certain immunizations for students in most cases, including Covid 19 vaccination. The policy and contact information are available at the Office of Medical Immunization Records. You must read this information carefully since registration for future terms is not allowed if you are not in compliance at that time.
Tuition and fees
Tuition and fees are set by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. The tuition and fee schedule at UIC is fairly elaborate so it is important to understand what your charges will be, as well as your payment obligations. This information is available from the Office of Admissions and Records website.