Natalia’s spatial lipidomics image is selected as the Endocrine Image of the Month by the Endocrine Society
Natalia’s spatial lipidomics image is selected as the Endocrine Image of the Month by the Endocrine Society (featured in the Endocrine News).
This image also received the Honorable Mention at the 2023 Endocrine Society Annual Meeting Images Award Competition
Spatial lipidomics of a human ovary visualized using state-of-the-art mass spectrometry imaging (MSI). The different colors (magenta, blue, and green) illustrate the abundance and localization of three distinct lipid species. We found these lipids to be highly enriched in different ovarian compartments. To our knowledge, this is the first MSI analysis describing physiological localization of lipids in the human ovary.
Congratulations Natalia!