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Stipends and Benefits

AY 2024-2025 Stipend Heading link

Year Annual Monthly
PGY 1 $68,721.84 $5,726.82
PGY 2 71,134.68 $5,927.89
PGY 3 $73,568.16 $6,130.68
PGY 4 $76,251.36 $6,354.28
PGY 5 $79,433.64 $6,619.47
PGY 6 $84,196.8 $7,016.4
PGY 7 $85,299.12 $7,108.26
PGY 8 88,044.72 $7,337.06

Benefits Heading link

The UI Graduate Medical Education (GME) Office maintains an extensive website that includes additional information on resident benefits, policies, and procedures. A sample Resident Agreement with Exhibit A and Exhibit B may also be viewed on-line.

Vacation leave of 20 working days per year is allowed, accruable from year to year within the residency program only.

Vacation time is scheduled in consultation with the rotation director(s), Chief Residents, and Program Director.

Sick leave of 24 calendar days per year is allowed, with 12 accruable from year to year within the residency program only. Sick leave may be used for illness, injury, or to obtain medical or dental treatment for the resident, spouse, or child.

A choice of several health insurance plans are offered to the individual resident at nominal cost. Family health insurance coverage is available, payable by the resident. Dental plans are also available at nominal cost. Special benefits considerations apply to certain visa holders; information may be found on the GME website.

Professional liability insurance is provided for duties directly related to the educational program. Other benefits include life and long-term disability insurance.

*A $3,000 educational fund is available for PGY 2 and above, and $2,500 educational fund for PGY 1.  A monthly meal allowance of $100 for all residents.