Nicole Blumenstein
Resident, Class of 2026
Department of Otolaryngology
Arizona State University
Medical School
University of Illinois College of Medicine at Rockford
Clinical Area of Interest
General Otolaryngology, Laryngology, Rhinology
Research Interests
Sound quality of videoconferencing platforms during voice rehabilitation telemedicine visits, metal jewelry and accidental burns from monopolar cautery in the operating room, trans-nasal esophagoscopy as a screening tool for esophageal cancer in vulnerable populations
LaCroix AN, Blumenstein N, Tully M, Baxter LC, Rogalsky C. Effects of prosody on the cognitive and neural resources supporting sentence comprehension: A behavioral and lesion-symptom mapping study. Brain Lang. 2020 Apr;203:104756
“I was eager to stay at UIC for residency because of the excellent mentorship I received as a medical student. I was always impressed by the autonomy of fifth year residents I got to work with, and it’s an honor to follow in their footsteps, treating a diverse patient population with an abundance of role models and supportive co-residents.”