Ways of Donating Heading link

We always greatly appreciate the support of our alumni through their generous contributions. Contributions have helped our programs grow and become more successful.
The Bhatt Laboratory is a perfect example of how generous contributions lead to the great developments.
Giving is Easy Heading link
Currently, contributions can be made towards the following funds:
- UIC Otolaryngology Resident Education Fund: The ENT Resident Education Fund is established to support a variety of resident scholarly activities including travel and lodging for conferences.
- UIC Otolaryngology – One Voice Fund: The One Voice Fund is established to restore communication in laryngeal cancer patients. Laryngeal cancer affects over 30,000 people each year in the U.S., the majority of whom come from lower income brackets. Treatment, in some cases, requires removal of the voice box leaving patients unable to speak. For more information, visit the website.
- UIC Otolaryngology-Now Hear This Fund: Now Hear This! The purpose of the Now Hear This! Fund is to advance the quality of life and treatment for people experiencing hearing loss. The Fund is dedicated to improving patient resources, clinical care, education and research. For more information, visit the website.
- UIC ENT Resident Research Fund: The ENT Resident Research Fund supports a full range of programs for residents of the Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. The fund is used to support clinical course work and laboratory training. It also directly supports the resident research program where emphasis is on critical thinking, and helping resident physicians develop a strong foundation of knowledge, insight and understanding – all essential qualities of a good physician.