Message from the Program Director Heading link

Residency Program Director
Welcome to the University of Illinois Anesthesiology Residency Program! We are thrilled that you are considering a career in this fascinating and rewarding specialty. The mission of our department is to provide excellent clinical care, educate future leaders in the field of anesthesiology, and conduct research to improve and advance the specialty.
The UIC Residency Program in Anesthesiology offers excellent clinical training which involves caring for the most medically challenging patients in the Chicagoland area. All surgical specialties are represented in our program, with high volumes of neurosurgical, obstetrical, orthopedic, transplant, bariatric cases, and interventional pain procedures. Given the complexity of our patient population and the diversity of cases, our residents are uniquely prepared for independent anesthesia practice. Our residents consistently obtain their tops choices for fellowship training and employment.
Program Director Heading link
Rena Beckerly
Chief Residents' Welcome Message Heading link
Chief Residents' Welcome Message
Marcus Cluse, Elia Rieder, Jace BattrellWelcome to UIC Anesthesiology! We hope that our website provides you with invaluable information about us. We are proud to represent this program and the incredible training we have received to become well-rounded anesthesiologists.
Residents spend the majority of their CA1 year at our flagship hospital, University of Illinois Hospital, where they undergo a rigorous 2-month bootcamp period before becoming fully independent. It is during this time that they undergo extensive hands-on training under the direct supervision of a senior resident and eventually 1:1 time with an attending. While we consider UIC Hospital our home, there are other institutions that greatly enrich our training. Whether it’s cardiac, trauma, regional or pediatrics, we visit other hospitals during our CA2/CA3 years which allows us to become versatile and skilled in other practices besides our own. We feel this supplementation in training is invaluable for our future careers, and a unique aspect of what UIC offers its residents.
It is truly a pleasure to work with faculty that fosters a casual, down-to-earth environment in the operating rooms every day. There are many occasions throughout the year where we organize social events, brunches and happy hours with various faculty. We truly consider each other family, and this is part of our long-standing UIC culture. For those interested in research, some of our faculty have recently garnered major NIH funds that have elevated us to the top NIH-funded anesthesiology program in Chicago.
Thank you for visiting our website and considering UIC. We hope you get in touch with us at if you have any follow-up questions about our program, and we wish you the best of luck during this applicant season!
2024-2025 Chief ResidentsChief Residents
Marcus Cluse
Resident, Class of 2025Elia Rieder
Resident, Class of 2025Jace Battrell
Resident, Class of 2025
Links Heading link
About the Residency Heading link
The University of Illinois Anesthesiology Residency Program continues as one of the leading programs in the country. Our residents’ high ranking on their board scores following their final year, their satisfaction with their teaching/learning environment, and their great job opportunities clearly give evidence to this. Our residents have easily found fellowship and attending positions with major universities, as well as coveted opportunities in private hospitals.
How did we achieve such an enviable position and more importantly, what do we do to maintain it? It stems from realizing there are two areas in which our residents need to excel. First, hands-on patient care in which they combine excellent clinical judgment with outstanding clinical skills and insightful interpersonal skills. Secondly, a complete knowledge base, which is a foundation for medical practice and also assures success on the board exams. Without either of these, a resident’s education is incomplete.
Much of our success stems from the varying backgrounds of our faculty. All of our attending physicians are board-certified and about a third are also board-certified in other specialties. These include medicine, pediatrics, intensive care, and genetics. Their training comes from as far away as Harvard, Yale, University of California-San Francisco, Emory University, University of Florida, University of Michigan, University of Virginia, and the Mayo Clinic. Also included on our staff are several PhDs, an MD/JD, and well-recognized names in particular areas of anesthesia research.
Just as important as the credentials of our staff is their devotion to the department and our residents. Experiences like nights out for sushi with the residents or having a small group over to a faculty member’s home really bring a more cohesive feeling and spirit of camaraderie to our department.
We try to find the right combination of didactics, patient care, research, self-learning, conferences, workshops, and time away from anesthesiology. The field of anesthesiology is exciting and challenging, but at times it’s a stressful profession. It is important to those of us who help mold future anesthesiologists that we help them keep the other parts of their lives in perspective while they progress through our residency program.
Thank you for visiting our website. We hope that you will browse around to learn more about our program and the residency.
Sample Categorical Anesthesia by Years Heading link
Sample Categorical Anesthesia
Month Rotation July Anesthesia-UIC August Cardiology Consult- VA September General Surgery- UIC October Anesthesia- VA November Emergency Medicine December Medical ICU January Medicine- UIC February Medicine- UIC March Anesthesia- VA April Medicine-VA May Medicine- VA June Anesthesia Orientation all Month -
Sample Categorical Anesthesia Year 2 (CA-2)
Month Rotation July Liver Anesthesia August Cardiac Anesthesia September Hines- VA October Cardiac- Loyola November Cardiac ICU- Loyola December Neurosurgical Anesthesia January Main Operating Room- OR February Pain Medicine March Neurosurgical Anesthesia April Regional Anesthesia May Pediatrics June Main Operating Room- OR -
Sample Categorical Anesthesia Year 3
Month Rotation July Neurosurgical Anesthesia August Anesthesia VA September Pain Medicine VA October Mount Sinai Trauma November Shriners Pediatrics December International Rotation January Main Operating Room- OR February Main Operating Room- OR March Main Operating Room- OR April Anesthesia-VA May Obstetrics June Main Operating Room- OR
Application/Interview Information Heading link
The Residency in Anesthesiology at University of Illinois College of Medicine is a four-year categorical program and enrolls twelve residents per year. All positions are filled via the National Resident Match Program (NRMP). Matched applicants will do their internship rotations at the University of Illinois Hospital and at the Jesse Brown VA Medical Center before beginning the three years of clinical anesthesia training.
- We interview applicants for the residency match between October and December.
- All applications are reviewed by our residency selection committee to determine suitability for an interview.
- Applications are accepted ONLY through ERAS.
- The University will not support H-1B visa applications for foreign medical graduates in residency programs.
All interviews are conducted on Saturdays with a morning and afternoon session. We welcome you to a virtual meet & greet with our program leadership and residents the night before your interview. We hope this will give you an opportunity to meet our residents and learn about our culture at UIC
Please schedule your interview through the ERAS system under scheduler for either a morning or afternoon interview session as we offer twenty-five interview blocks for each session. Interview spots fill up quickly but we will place you on a waitlist for each session. Please contact us if there are any conflicts but it is best to schedule directly through the ERAS system. During the interview, applicants interview with faculty members (each applicant will have three interviews with our faculty and one interview with residents).
Again, we are very excited to meet you and wish you the best during this interview season. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.