Research Heading link
The Research Division of the Department is comprised of four faculty PhD scientists and three MD clinician investigators actively engaged in leading-edge research. Additionally, clinicians within our department conduct clinical research. Our research facilities are located in the Medical Science Building at 835 South Wolcott Avenue and the Jesse Brown VA. Collaborating closely with various departments at UIC, such as Pharmacology, Anatomy and Cell Biology, Pulmonary Medicine, Ophthalmology, Neurosurgery, Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, College of Dentistry, Wound Healing, and Chemistry, our interdisciplinary approach enhances the impact of our research. We involve students at all levels, from high school to medical residents, in collaborative research with our faculty.
Distinguished as the top-ranked Anesthesiology department in Illinois for total NIH grant funding. Our research endeavors are further supported by various foundations, solidifying our commitment to advancing knowledge and innovation in the field.
links Heading link
Resident Research Heading link
Scholarly Project
All University of Illinois Anesthesiology residents are required to complete a scholarly project in accordance with the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) requirements:
- The curriculum must advance residents’ knowledge of the basic principles of research, including how research is conducted, evaluated, explained to patients, and applied to patient care.
- Residents should participate in scholarly activity.
- The sponsoring institution and program should allocate adequate educational resources to facilitate resident involvement in scholarly activities.
Resident Academic Assignment
Each resident must complete an academic assignment. This assignment usually occurs during the final 24 months of training, but it may, at the program director’s discretion, occur earlier. Academic projects may include grand rounds presentations, preparation and publication of review articles, book chapters, manuals for teaching or clinical practice, or similar academic activities. Alternatively, a resident may elect to develop and perform or participate in one or more clinical or laboratory investigations. The Review Committee expects that the outcomes of resident investigations will be suitable for presentation at local, regional, or national scientific meetings and that many will result in peer- reviewed abstracts or manuscripts. A faculty supervisor must be in charge of each project and investigation.
American Board of Anesthesiology (ABA) states in its 2010 Booklet of Information:
There are options for research during the anesthesiology residency. Interested residents could spend approximately 25% of a 3- or 4-year training program, and 38% of a 5-year program, engaged in scholarly activities. Suggested templates for research during the anesthesiology residency are posted on the ABA website at The program director must develop a plan with strict guidelines for research activity and “work product” oversight if a resident’s research activities will be more than six months. The resident must be enrolled in an ACGME-accredited anesthesiology program and remain active in the educational component of the program while pursuing research. Involvement in scholarly activities must result in the generation of a specific permanent “work product.” Review of scholarly activity and the permanent work product will occur at the local level by a Scholarship Oversight Committee responsible for overseeing and assessing the trainee’s progress and verifying to the ABA that the requirement has been met. The Scholarship Oversight Committee must consist of three or more faculty members. The program director may serve as a trainee’s mentor and participate in the activities of the Scholarship Oversight Committee, but should not be a standing member. By prospective (at least four months in advance) application to the Credentials Committee of the ABA, exceptions will be considered for: Aggregating research time normally allocated across the clinical base and clinical anesthesia years into one or more years, allowing a significant amount of time to be used for research as a block Leave of absence from the clinical program for research activities Additional months in research, especially if the research is prospectively integrated in the training program A resident must have a satisfactory Clinical Competence Committee report for six months of clinical anesthesia training immediately preceding any research period unless prospectively approved by the ABA Credentials Committee.
Midwest Anesthesia Resident Research Conference
Scholarly projects may include a Departmental Grand Rounds presentation, a Midwest Anesthesia Research Conference oral presentation (MARC) or an oral presentation at a national meeting with relevance to the practice of Anesthesiology or one of our sub-specialties.
The majority of our residents participate at least once and usually several times in the annual MARC and many also present a research poster at a national meeting (link here). University of Illinois anesthesia residents achieve tremendous success in the MARC competition. For example, in 2012, University of Illinois anesthesia residents had a total of 21 presentations and won 1st or 2nd place in 6 categories. Winners included: 1st place in Basic Sciences (poster), General Anesthesia, Neuroanesthesia, Obstetrics, and Pediatrics; 2nd awards were achieved in Airway, and a 3rd place in Cardiovascular-Thoracic anesthesia and Pediatrics.
Participation in clinical and basic science research projects is available to all residents and is coordinated through the Program Director. A number of residents that plan on pursuing an academic career and fellowship training engage in a laboratory-based project.
Research Facilities Heading link
The University of Illinois College of Medicine Chicago has 19 core facilities at the Chicago Research Resources Center that provide state of the art support including:
Facility features part 1
- Confocal microscopy
- Flow cytometry
- Electron and Raman microscopy
- NMR spectroscopy and micro-imaging
- Mass spectrometry
- A DNA laboratory
- A genomics facility
Facility features part 2
- A protein laboratory
- A macromolecular structure facility
- A small molecule X-ray diffraction facility
- A transgenic production service
- Electronic and machine shops
- A computing support group and a storeroom operation.
More facility info Heading link
Biologic Resources Laboratory
The University of Illinois at Chicago Biologic Resources Laboratory (BRL) is the centralized animal facility and has been continuously accredited by the Association for the Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC) since 1970. The BRL staff and the Animal Care Committee ensure that all investigators and their designees adhere to the standards of the Animal Welfare Act, the Public Health Service Policy, and the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. The staff of the BRL oversees the procurement, care, and maintenance of animals used in the research, teaching, and testing programs conducted at UIC. This oversight responsibility includes ensuring that the UIC animal care program meets federal regulations, the requirements of AAALAC, and currently accepted standards for providing adequate veterinary care and proper animal husbandry. The professional staff is also responsible for consulting with research and teaching staff, conducting graduate and technical courses, directing the postdoctoral training program, and supporting the protocol review system of the institution’s IACUC, the Animal Care Committee.
Clinical Trial Facilities
For clinical trials, the Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences (CCTS) provides facilities, personnel (research nurses, study coordinators and dieticians), a Design and Analysis Core, a Regulatory Support and Advocacy Core, a Biomedical Informatics Core (statistical help) and other clinically and community-oriented assistance for the conduct of human trials.
Research on Health Disparities Heading link
University of Illinois at Chicago has been a national leader in addressing health disparities and minority access to the health care system. Highlights of the effort that University of Illinois at Chicago has developed over the past 20 years include: the Hispanic Center of Excellence devoted to improving Latino representation in health care; Institute for Health Research and Policy including Center of Excellence in Eliminating Disparities; Center for Population Health and Health Disparities, one of 8 national, NIH-funded centers examining racial disparities and cancer.
Research Division Heading link
Basic Science Research Division is divided into a number of formal groups that include the following thematic areas and investigators:
Details on this division group
Drs. Feinstein, Paisansathan, Changyaleket
Details on this division group
Drs. Minshall, Votta-Velis, Hu, Feinstein, Weinberg
The overlapping organization of these Research Units creates a strong collaborative and interactive environment and our expertise spans a broad aspect of clinically relevant projects that form a thematic focus on vascular biology and critical care medicine.
Clinical Research Division is composed of the following groups:
- Acute Pain, Regional Anesthesia & Chronic Wound Healing: Drs. Chiang, Votta-Velis, Laurito
- Obstetrical Anesthesia & Outcomes: Dr. Nixon
- Pediatric Anesthesia: Drs. Oswald, Mercado, Rothschild
- Clinical Neuroanesthesia: Drs. Paisansathan, Baughman, Changyaleket,
- Critical Care Medicine: Schwartz, Nishioka, Feld