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The Department of Pharmacology and Regenerative Medicine at the University of Illinois College of Medicine Chicago is dedicated to advancing scientific discovery using state-of-the-art approaches. Our research focuses on understanding how changes in cellular signaling, whether in stem cells or mature cells like platelets, endothelial cells, and immune cells, impact communication between cells, gene expression, and tissue functions, particularly in the lung and heart. This work has led to significant advancements in developing therapeutic interventions for life-threatening heart and lung diseases.

Our department consistently ranks among the top programs in the nation for NIH funding, currently holding the 8th position nationally in Pharmacology and Pharmacy category. This success is driven by our exceptional faculty, who collaborate with junior faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students to cultivate scientific curiosity and train the next generation of scientists for careers in academia or industry.

The Graduate Education in BioMedical Sciences Program Heading link

Also known as GEMS, is a pipeline program to a variety of departmental biomedical programs within the UI College of Medicine, includding Microbiology and Immunology.

GEMS comprises six research concentrations within the UI College of Medicine. These concentrations are the foundation of our interdisciplinary culture, affording students the opportunity to tailor their graduate education through the availability of an entire network of faculty, labs, and cutting-edge technology to pursue their research.

Learn more on the College website

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Your generous donation to the Department of Pharmacology and Regenerative Medicine will directly supplement the mission of our faculty and students studying Vascular and Lung Biology, Inflammation Signaling and Stem Cell Biology.

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