GPPA Student Selected as a Finalist for the Congressional Hackathon
Congratulations to Sajal for this remarkable achievement!
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The U.S. Capitol Visitor Center, First St SE, Washington, DC, USA
Sajal Shukla was one of only four selected in a nationwide competition to pitch her innovative app at the National App Challenge Congressional Hackathon 6.0. The other four participants are from Princeton University, the University of Pennsylvania, George Washington University, and Apple Inc. This prestigious event is held on Capitol Hill and organized by the Speaker of the House, the Minority Leader, and other legislators.
Sajal will be advising on the use of generative AI to enhance legislators’ understanding of constituent opinions.
Learn more about:
- Sajal’s project on The Congressional Hackathon 6.0 website.
- National App Challenge
- The Congressional Hackathon: The Congressional Hackathon brings together a bipartisan group of Members of Congress, congressional staff, legislative branch agency staff, open government and transparency advocates, civic hackers, and developers from digital companies to explore the role of digital platforms in the legislative process. Discussions range from data transparency to constituent services, public correspondence, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, committee hearings, and the broader legislative process.
- GPPA Program