Jean Miki Reading, PhD
Visiting Assistant Professor
Department of Family and Community Medicine
Pronouns: She/her
Jean Miki Reading, PhD, is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). Dr. Reading is a social and behavioral scientist with specialized training in cancer prevention and control. Dr. Reading’s research leverages insights from the behavioral sciences to develop, implement, and optimize digital health interventions addressing diet, physical activity, and weight control for a diverse population across the lifespan. Her work cross-cuts areas, including obesity, cancer, diabetes, behavioral medicine, and population health. Dr. Reading has worked on several large-scale clinical trials funded by NCI, NIDDK, and WW, evaluating lifestyle interventions using various technology-based platforms and digital tools to reduce adiposity and enhance physical activity in adults with chronic disease. She is a current recipient of an NCI Clinical Research Loan Repayment Award to develop a multilevel lifestyle intervention for cancer survivors to improve reach, access, and engagement with diet and physical activity.
Research Location: UI Cancer Center
Research Interests:
- Optimize multilevel lifestyle interventions for behavioral obesity treatment and cancer survivorship
- Identify strategies to reach and engage underrepresented populations in clinical trials
- Apply mixed method approaches to implement digital lifestyle interventions into clinical care and the community
Notable Honors
- Society of Behavioral Medicine’s Diversity Institute for Emerging Leaders Scholar, 2024-2025
- Cancer Prevention and Control Travel Award Recipient, Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center, 2024
- NIH Loan Repayment Award Recipient, NCI Clinical Research, 2023-2025
- Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management Leadership Coaching Program Scholar, 2023
- Best Abstract Finalist Recipient in Population Health, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Research Day, 2023
- NIH National Research Service Award Postdoctoral Fellow, Cancer Prevention and Control, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine / Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center, 2022-2024
- 2nd Place Abstract Award Recipient in Cancer Prevention and Control, Commonwealth of Virginia Cancer Research Conference, 2021
- Cancer Prevention and Control Travel Award Recipient, Massey Cancer Center, 2020
- NIH National Research Service Award Predoctoral Fellow, Cancer Prevention and Control, Virginia Commonwealth University / Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center, 2020-2022
- American Association of University Women Higher Education Scholar, 2013
Selected Publications
Reading JM, Solk P, Starikovsky J, Hasanaj K, Wang S, Siddique, J, Sanford S, Salsman J, Horowitz B, Freeman H, Alexander J, Sauer C, Spring B, Victorson DE, Phillips SM. (2024). Optimization of a mHealth physical activity promotion intervention with mindful awareness for young adult cancer survivors: design and methods of Opt2Move full factorial trial. Global Advances in Integrative Medicine and Health, 13: 1-14. doi: 10.1177/27536130241265669.
Phillips SM, Solk P, Starikovsky J, Desai R, Reading JM, Hasanaj K, Wang S, Cullather E, Lee J, Song J, Spring S, Gradishar W. (2024). Feasibility and preliminary effects of the Fit2ThriveMB pilot physical activity promotion intervention on physical activity and patient reported outcomes in individuals with metastatic breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. doi.org/10.1007/s10549-024-07432-5
Spring B, Pfammatter AF, Scanlan L, Daly E, Reading JM, Battalio S, McFadden G, Hedecker D, Siddique J, Nahum-Shani I. (2024). An adaptive behavioral intervention for weight loss management: A randomized clinical trial. JAMA. Online First May 14. doi: 10.1001/jama.2024.0821.
Reading JM, Crane MM, Guan, J, Jackman R, Thomson M, LaRose JG. (2024). Acceptability of a self-guided lifestyle intervention for young men: A mixed methods analysis of pilot findings. JMIR Formative Research, 8: e53841. doi: 10.2196/53841.
Glasgow TE, Burch JB, Arcan C, Reading JM, Theal M, Cyrus J, Fuemmeler B. (2024). A scoping review to identify research on lifestyle behaviors and chronic health conditions among firefighters. American Journal of Health Behavior.
Reading JM, Crane MM, Carlyle KE, Perera RA, LaRose JG. (2022). A self-guided lifestyle intervention for young men: Findings from the ACTIVATE pilot randomized clinical trial. Journal of Men’s Health, 18(9). doi:1031083/j.jomh1809191.
LaRose JG, Reading JM, Lanoye A, & Brown KL. (2022). Recruitment and retention of emerging adults in lifestyle interventions: Findings from the REACH trial. Contemporary Clinical Trial, Octo:121:106904. doi:10.1016/j.cct.2022.106904
Reading JM, Snell L, LaRose JG. (2020). A systematic review of weight-related communication trainings for physicians. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 10(5). doi.org/10.1093/tbm/ibaa014
Reading JM, Buhr KJ, Stuckey HL. (2019). Social experiences of adults using online support forums to lose weight: A qualitative content analysis. Health Education and Behavior, 46(2). doi.org/10.1177/1090198119859403.
Stuckey HL, Kovacs-Burns K, Vallis M, Mullan-Jensen C, Kalra S, Reading JM, Kalra S, Wens J, Kokoszka A, Skovlund SE, Peyrot M. (2015). “I do my best to listen to patients”: Qualitative insights into diabetes psychosocial care from the perspective of healthcare professionals in the second Diabetes Attitudes, Wishes and Needs (DAWN2) Study. Clinical Therapeutics, 37(9). 1986-1998. doi: 10.1016/j.clinthera.2015.06.010.F
Bachelor of Science, Penn State University, 2012
Master of Arts, Penn State University, 2014
Doctor of Philosophy, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine, 2022
Predoctoral Research Fellowship, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine, 2020-2022
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, 2022-2024
Professional Memberships
- Society of Behavioral Medicine
- American Society of Preventive Oncology
- American Association for Cancer Research
- The Obesity Society
Selected Presentations
Reading JM, Solk P, Starikovisky J, Hasanaj K, Wang S, Tevaarwerk AJ, Spencer R, Sesto, Spring B, Barber E, Gradishar W, Agnew M, Schmidt C, Hodgson V, Muller L, Naxi S, Alexander J, Beesch-Carden L, Freeman H, Hickey B, Gangnon R, Cadmus-Bertam L, Pickett KA, Phillips SM. (2024). Weight management intentions and beliefs among breast and endometrial cancer survivors with obesity. Poster presentation at American Society of Preventive Oncology annual conference, Chicago, Illinois.
Phillips SM, Solk P, Freeman H, Starikovisky J, Carden LB, Agnew M, Schmidt C., Reading JM, Wang S., Hasanaj,K., Tevaarwerk AJ, Spring B., Barber E, Sesto ME, Gradishar W, Hodgson V, Muller L, Naxi S, Spencer R, Gangnon , Nahum-Shani I, Cadmus-Bertram L, & Pickett K. (2024). A 6-month, Multi-site Electronic Health Record-Integrated Physical Activity Intervention (MyActivity) Significantly Increases Physical Activity in Breast & Endometrial Cancer Survivors. Oral presentation at the American Society of Preventive Oncology, Chicago, Illinois.
Hasanaj K, Reading JM, Wang S, Starikovsky J, Solk P, Spring B, Penedo F, Cella D, Siddique J, Ackermann R, Funk W, Courneya K, Phillips SM. (2024). Feasibility of dried blood spot sample collection in an mHealth physical activity promotion intervention for breast cancer survivors. Poster presentation at American Society of Preventive Oncology annual conference, Chicago, Illinois.
Reading JM, Solk P, Starikovsky J, Song J, Cella D, Penedo F, Corneya KS, Ackermann R, Siddique J, Spring B, Phillips SM. (2024). “Spill-over” effects of physical activity on other lifestyle behaviors in breast cancer survivors: Findings from the Fit2Thrive trial. Symposium presentation at The Society of Behavioral Medicine annual conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Reading JM, Yu J, Battalio S, Hedeker D, Spring B. (2023). Disparities in telemedicine utilization among oncology patients during COVID-19. Poster presentation at The Society of Behavioral Medicine annual conference, Phoenix, Arizona.
Reading JM, Crane MM, Evans RK, Guan J, Meyer M, Brown KL, LaRose JG. (2023). Dietary and physical activity changes in young men following a self-guided lifestyle intervention: The ACTIVATE pilot randomized controlled trial. Poster presentation at American Society of Preventive Oncology, San Diego, California.
Reading JM, Crane MM, LaRose JG. (2022). A novel approach to self-guided weight loss among young men: Findings from the ACTIVATE pilot randomized clinical trial. Research spotlight at The Society of Behavioral Medicine’s Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland.
Reading JM, Crane MM, Lanoye A, LaRose JG. (2021). Examining sex differences in behavioral and physiological factors associated with weight loss. Poster presentation at The Obesity Society’s Annual Meeting, Virtual.
Guan J, Gorin AA, Espeland MA, Reading JM, Meyer M, Tate DF, Wing RR, LaRose JG. (2021). Examining the role of neighborhood environment in a weight gain prevention program for young adults. Poster presentation at The Obesity Society’s Annual Meeting, Virtual.
Reading JM, Brown KL, Meyer M, LaRose JG. (2021). Diet-related factors associated with weight loss among young adults: Do men and women differ in eating behaviors and patterns? Oral presentation at International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity’s Annual Meeting, Virtual.